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"I just saw the news," Jimin voices as he glides his feet on the foremost shoe he views and grasps the keys whilst the phone is amidst his shoulder and ear.

"Hyung, I'm coming," Jimin voices as he clasps the door locked before briskly pressing on the elevator button.

"Okay, I'll be by Taehyung," Yoongi voices as he heaves a sigh before hashing the call and viewing a somnolent Taehyung. The apple of his cheeks have blemishes, manifesting nearly in iris hue, with a few scabs across his knuckles, now shrouded with bandaids. A blanket is stowed on him up to his chest as he heaves breaths, the enervation and adrenaline from previous night grappling with his vigor upon the second Yoongi ushered him to his cubicle.

Taein upon asking, allowed him to stay by Taehyung and repose until the younger one woke up. Yoongi perceived a gaze brimming with worry for the younger boy as Taein glided his hand across his tresses, before stranding a miniscule smile to the older and left.

Yoongi heaves another sigh as the sunbeams cascade in the cubicle, permitting it to be more jolly, more gleaming in the gilded rays. Yet it doesn't reach Yoongi.

His enervation is prominent upon his fluttering eyes, as he toils not to descend to slumber, otherwise Taehyung might glide away from his vision. He swipes his eyes as he views a servant entering with the foremost meal of the day.

"Your meal, Yoongi-nim," She voices as she stows it beside the porcelain hued male.

"Thank you," He voices as she bows, disallowing him the reaction to bow back.

Yoongi heaves another sigh as he views the tray in his nose before grasping on the egg to mouth a fourth of it and gobble. The pace becomes brisk as the comprehension of trending on in dearth of food for an elongated time dawns upon him. Before he can decipher, the food has been devoured.

He stows the tray on the bedside table before he views Taehyung again, who has brows pleated, mumbling incoherent words under his breath which causes Yoongi to glide closer.

Yoongi hears and truthfully spoken, he was not primed to hear so.

"You can't take him away from me," Taehyung mumbles as the older's eyes enlarge in stupefaction.

He swallows his throat as the last night glides through his mind like a foot on the car's accelerator.

Taehyung sprinting out of the car upon viewing a suspicious looking car towards Joonki's residence.

Yoongi and Sejin tailing his footings as they grow brisk to view the hitman.

The grappling.

Yoongi retracts from Taehyung as he stows his hand on Taehyung's crown, voicing tranquil words as he glides Taehyung out of his slumber. Before his motioning can grow anymore frightful.

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