xxxiii: n

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Joonki couldn't perceive vexation more than now in his twenty four years of his life.

An entirety of two weeks from then, devoid of any vacancy custom made for him.

He huffs, kneading his eyes, gazing at the screen for elongated hours, stowing his backbone on the sofa, entailing to lay and pleat himself to a ball from the sheepishness his psyche conjures.

"What happened, dear? You seem disheartened," His mother voices from the kitchen, swirling a mammoth spoonful of broth for a curry she took curiosity in, in recentness.

"It's just, I still don't have a job, and I've been leeching off the money you took away from aboji," Joonki says, contorting visuals from the disquietude, hands encasing his hefty biceps.

His mother ebbs the tenacity of the flare in its true blue, treading towards the male and stowing herself beside him. He grasps a hand of his, embraced by her hands tenderly.

"Joonki," She voices.

Joonki views his mother to upheave her softened, identically shaped gaze in his brown eyes, mirroring his faultlessly.

"Good things take time. I'm sure you'll find even better than the ones you've been searching for," She voices with reassurance and aspiration for betterness.

Joonki views her, perceiving himself to be less perturbed from his failure, nodding with a miniscule smile.

"Besides, Yeosang said he'll find himself a job soon. I hope he gets a good one before it's our turn to pay the rent."

"Hyung needs to. I hope he gets the job after the interview in a week," Joonki says, "It's surprising he was this quick to find one."

"Yeosang always had luck with these things somehow," Huijin voices with a chuckle, a near grin on her lips, "I'm really proud of him. And you."

Joonki nods at her elucidation in agreement, gratification in his visuals for her appreciation, seamless and with acceptance.

"Joonki, say," Huijin says, "Why don't we call San and Wooyoung for dinner? We haven't seen them for over a month, and I know you miss your friends."

Joonki delves into an abridged rumination before nodding with a wave of hands, "We haven't seen them in a long, but they're more my hyungs than friends."

"Please, who are you fooling?", Huijin voices with a huff, "Wooyoung is your closest friend, I can tell by the way he talks to you."

"It's that apparent?"

"It is," She says, "I know you miss him."

"I really don't," Joonki voices briskly with apparent resolution which quite doesn't glide to his visuals.

"You do," Huijin pulls on his cheeks, coddling him, "Now come eat with me in half an hour. I'll be done with lunch by then. Call the couple and invite them," stranding the couch and trudging for the kitchen.

Joonki views her retreating figure before fishing out his cell to dial Wooyoung's number. After a few rings, the pitched vocals resounding from the reciprocating end.

"See who finally decided to call me, San," Wooyoung says upon receiving.

Joonki rolls his eyes before answering, "I've called to have you over dinner. San hyung too."

"You or omonim?", Wooyoung voices in a cunning tonality.

"Bingo, you have your answer," Joonki voices in a pretentious monotone, "Come over by six thirty."

"We will. Also we have a surprise for you, we just couldn't give it to you on your last birthday."

"Didn't you give me enough for my graduation? A whole new cellphone for me?"

"This one is something you love dearly."

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