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a/n: I feel like you are not going to like the ending but i wanted it to be that way. also, i didn't hold back with the chapter length.

"Are you sure you heard him right?" Namjoon voices as he attunes a tad bit in his stature, causing a profoundly somnolent Yoongi to attune a bit and twirl to his right before treading back, adrift in repose.

"Yes," Taehyung voices, reminiscing the conviction aiding his tonality, one which entails a singular meaning.

He has perceived, unearthed an impetus, which invigorated him anew, which tread to a mammoth inference in a nick of time.

I'm visiting Vante tomorrow to submit my resignation letter. I wish to talk through things before I part ways.

Taehyung hears the sentence echoing in his psyche, perceiving his heart constrict.

"What will you do now?", Jimin asks as he tightens the embrace encasing Taehyung, as Taehyung glides himself back into laying, crimping, nearer to Jimin than he can muster.

He reminisces the stolen moments amidst him and Joonki, unbeknownst to the latter.

Gazing at him as he admired his artwork of Taekyung. Viewing him as he forged a conversation with Minyoung, the jovial lady who befriended him in a miniscule amount of time. Viewing the visual of the younger man, the way his eyes manifest the hue of blood orange against the solar body, unwavering, undecipherable other than glum, how his threadlike lips morph into a straight line at most of his awake hours, his jaw deadened, his herculean bodice and rugged feet.

His enigma had been nothing save for a stalwart iron-clad wall, disallowing anyone to splinter and tread in. His impassive, reticent self has been shrouded enough to not be able to view the afflictions his psyche, his heart, he amasses. The lesions on his back paint a midnight blue, a wretched manifestation of his affliction unexpressed, the void he tread in with every reminisce it ushers.

His faultless joy painted his features, which Taehyung viewed in his own eyes whilst his approbation of the abstractness, brimmed his heart with similar sentiment.

The rupture on Joonki's domino upon such, the verboseness which tailed after, syllables fleeing, the gleam in his eyes, the amiability.

How he'd tread to the end of the planet to be able to acquaint himself with it again. And again. And again.

To acquaint himself with the Joonki, animated, gleeful, impassioned and somewhere along the path, the one who reciprocates Taehyung's unadulterated sentiment towards him.

His heart plummets and splinters at the improbability of the endmost, innermost wish he garnered.

"Taehyung?" Namjoon voices in tenderness, allowing him to glide back to reality.

A lone tear toils to cascade his ethereal visual, melancholy grappling his senses. He toils to not lever his hands towards his visual, allow a reticent cry flee his lips, allow an arduous prayer from the innermost of his heart to insulate him from the worst.

He allows the three of them to triumph, and even more so, a cry of anguish over the probable loss of the younger male he adores.

Taehyung allows another cry to flee his lips as tears initiate a waterfall, Jimin viewing in astonishment for a mere second before encasing him with all his vigor.

Namjoon glides his hands through Taehyung's mellow tresses as he sobs into Jimin's chest, eyes enclosed, tightened enough, as if it would stow away the glumness which permeates in his heart, briskly.

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