xlviii: n

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"How much time did it take for you to hack it?"

"Around ten minutes," A male voice replies to the older male, manifesting a sinister grin on his visuals.

"Are you sure it's the entire guest list?"

"Yes, sir," The younger, hefty male says as he extends the file in front of the older man.

"Very good," The older man says as he glides through the pages, eyes gleaming with a rather malevolent sentiment upon viewing the word Kim Taehyung inked on ivory, courtesy of an inked gadget.

"Are you sure it's this person who hit me?", Hoonhee says as he views the name after Taehyung's.

Kang Joonki.

"I am sure, sir. Isn't he the one who paints?"

"You would be knowing this better," A frown sketches itself amidst Hoonhee's brows.

"He paints, and since he works under Kim Taehyung, it has to be him."

"Kang Joonki, working with Kim Taehyung," Hoonhee hums, his gaze lingering upon the names of two males.

"Yes sir," The younger male says with sureness.

"Jung Yunho," Hoonhee voices before being reticent for a second, "You did well. I didn't expect you to be available on such short notice, given you have more busy things to attend to."

"The pleasure is all mine, Hoonhee-nim," Yunho voices.

Hoonhee levers on a briefcase stowed in the mammoth safe to his right, after swirling on the key to open it. He grasps upon four bundles of money, hefty in its aggregate amount.

Yunho bows before extending his hand to accept his clearance, a frank smile on his lips.

"I believe I'll be able to receive services from you in the future," Hoonhee says as the grin manifests itself again.

"I'll be looking forward to it," Yunho says.

"I'm pleased to work with you. I don't know what my employees lack in them that they can't be of help," Hoonhee snickers in detest.

"At least the work is done before people forget this," Yunho voices as a sinister grin, "Now you can tarnish his name while he sees his future prospects close their doors on him."

"That's right," Hoonhee grins, "You're smart enough to understand I mean." He stows his elbows on the table, chin posed on the palm of his hands, "Do you want to work with me? I'll make you my right hand."

Yunho's eyes manifest a gleam from the rather appealing offer, but after a moment of reticence, decides upon taking up the offer later.

"I'll take the offer, after this issue blows off. Is it fine with you?"

"Fine with me," Hoonhee says, the grin omnipresent since the list has been within his grasp.

"I'll see myself out," Yunho bows once again before treading for the exit.


"Yes?", The younger male twirls around to view Hoonhee.

"I'd like to ask you another favor."

"Please," Yunho treads forward, nearing his desk.

"Can you give me any sort of lead to this Kang Joonki?"

"I have his brother's phone number," Yunho says, "He still uses it, if it helps you trace his location."

"Perfect," Hoonhee levers another bundle, and extends as Yunho grasps it.

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