xv: n-5 [3]

3 1 0

a/n: chap 14 has been published before this one :) you should read it before proceeding to this chapter.

"Joonki! You'll be late if you don't come out in ten minutes!", She yells, standing at the nose of Joonki's cubicle, where the boy scurries to don himself, to the hilt with the uniform.

"Give me five!" He yells back whilst folding the tie to make it orderly, before heedfully stowing the painting inside the bag.

"Okay! Breakfast on the table! I'll be waiting for the results!"

Joonki gulps before slipping an 'alright' and levering on the bag and exiting the room, locking the door in the process. He trudges to his right to the dining room, where two egg toasts and a glass of milk are stowed on his side of the table. He mounts on the chair, before stowing a cloth on his lap and gorging on the meal. Near fifteen minutes later, he is discovered at the front door, haphazardly levering on the shoe laces to make it embrace his feet.

"Joonki, did you take your meal and water?!"

"Yes! I'm going now! See you later in the afternoon!", He says, before sprinting down the stairs to reach for Yeosang's old bicycle, suspending the artwork carefully on the right handle, before nearly galloping at the velocity of a mare.

Another twenty minutes of paddling, he props the bicycle against the railings forged to lock their two wheeled transport with, to evade being taken by some unspecified vagabond.

Jeonju High School. Another nine months and he can leave for good.

He'd long for Jongwan, Sungwoon and Hansung. The four of them met during a pivotal day in late summer, nearly many fortnights ago, where torrent was most turbulent in years.

Sungwoon was alone, crying sitting on a swing in the local park, whilst the other three saw him simultaneously.

Joonki still feels astonished by the coincidence.

The three of them argued over whose house he should be taken to, till the rain and tear doused child screamed at them to stop their unintelligence.

They eventually took him to Joonki's house, where his mother spoke to them rather amiably before handing all of them spare clothes, which embraced their torso and forelimbs rather seamlessly, as if the clothes had confronted the other three young boys for a long time.

It was a long night of torrential rain, whirlwinds diffusing the plops of nature's cry, heedfully conjuring few of the worst storms in the country's history.

Their parents were overwrought by the unawareness of their security, but along a few phone calls, near galloping footings and twenty minute drives later late in the morning, they recognize a near middle aged woman stranding a grin whilst inviting them in.

The four youngsters were found asleep in the living room, languidness morphed into every gust of their insensible breaths which seemed as the peak of endearingness.

A few to and fro of words and a near brunch later, the other three boys were taken to their abode, again elucidating gratitude for extending unwarranted kindness.

Amidst his musing, the blaring bell causes him to nearly sprint for the field after stowing his essentials to his classroom. The assembly seems to drift by the glitch, the usual national anthem and few oaths to initiate the foremost day after the spring break.

As usual, he gets tackled by the other three boys from the back.

"Boo!", Jongwan says, stranding a giggle after, "I saw you spaced out while entering, so I left you until the bell rang. I love seeing you rush for the building."

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