xxxviii: n

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Taehyung's jaw nearly cascades to the ground upon hearing Yoongi's words.

"You want me to find personnel who need more exposure?", Taehyung voices in the older male's reciprocating voice.

"Yes, for my new album. I want people who need their talent to be seen. Videographer, photographer, artist for the cover concept."

"You should ask your label to search for such talent, not me," Taehyung rolls his eyes, stowing his feet on the table in his cubicle, criss-crossed, cell on his left hand, temple on his right.

"I'm just asking you to find a painter for my concept photo, the one on which my picture will go for the cover art," Yoongi says, brows pleated, at the nose of his equipment in his far from bargain studio.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do," Taehyung voices, heaving a sigh through his lips.

"I'm sorry for letting you know on a short notice, but the label wants a comeback in a month. I've been away from music for more than a year. I have songs ready but," Yoongi glides his finger through his tresses, "It's only the concept art and film which still isn't ready to go out."

"I understand, hyung."

"Thank you," Yoongi's voice resounds to one as repose.

"No problem," Taehyung says.

"I'll end the call then. I need to send the songs for mastering," Yoongi voices.

"Bye, hyung."

"Bye, kid," Yoongi says before hashing the call.

Taehyung stands a gale of breath, stowing the phone on the table.

"How am I going to find an artist good enough for the album art in two weeks?", He murmurs, before gliding his tresses amidst his fingers.

He sits in reticence, toiling to declutter his psyche for a path to be paved with easement, heeding to the endeavor at hand, the gears gyrating at such. An hour nearly passes until he stows a fist on his free hand in epiphany, a gleam emanating from his visual.

He calls upon the taller male, who mutually is an apprehendable fragment of his lifeline dream.

"Namjoon hyung," Taehyung voices upon the reciprocating end accepting the call.

"I'm on my lunch break, make it quick," Namjoon voices amidst chomping on his lunch his mother cooked with adoration. He acquires an eccentric gaze from the cubicle adjoining him, which he eludes.

"Do you know about Yoongi hyung releasing a new album?"

"I do, in fact he asked if I could feature on a song," Namjoon voices as Taehyung's eyes enlarge.

"Yoongi hyung and you in one song, it will be the best track," Taehyung voices with glee, astonished a tad bit, "Did you already record it?"

"I did, last month," Namjoon voices as he hears a tonality of stupefaction.

"So this is why you left early, not because it was your class," Taehyung nearly nosedives his feet from the table.

"The last month, yes," Namjoon sheepishly chuckles on the call.

"Yoongi hyung wanted to keep it a surprise until the last minute, but I couldn't."

"A surprise indeed," Taehyung chortles, "What is the name for the song?"

"It's called 'Strange'."

"Strange. It sounds too suspenseful. Are the lyrics the same way?"

"You'll hear once it's out," Namjoon says, a bashful smile on his lips.

"No listening party before it goes out?", Taehyung projects himself onto his bed.

"It depends on hyung's label if they'll hold one through a raffle draw. I really don't know."

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