xx: n-5 [final]

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a/n: the chapter before this is a build-up to this moment, if you want to read you should read, if not, no biggie ^^

"Joonki, wake up, it's time to go."

The said male swirls in his bed, fastening his eyes even more, levering the side pillow nearer.

"Joonki, you can sleep on the drive," Yeosang nudges the younger one in the now disrupted sleep.

"Alright, I'm getting up," Joonki flutters his eyes by a hair's breadth, gaze still slit like.

"Alright, get ready, Yunho will be calling anytime now. He drove all the way from Seoul to drive us back," Yeosang says whilst viewing the torrent and sporadic peals of thunder, coupled with a zephyr.

It's going to be a long night, Yeosang contemplates.

He perceives dainty footings of the younger towards the bathroom, tenderly clicking the door shut.

Few minutes later, Joonki clicks the door shut yet again, viewing the place which bore a companionship with him in several ruminations, self deprecating ness and even shower concerts.

"You're ready then," Yeosang swirls to see Joonki in an identical ensemble as his.

"Yeah, time to go," Joonki murmurs, soaking in the view of the place which is a reticent bystander of his childhood and adolescence. Happiness, sadness, anguish, misery, laughter, every sentiment ever transpired.

Both the siblings lever on their bags and the letters, inked many hours before their departure from the threshold.

While they creak the door open, they view their mother wide awake, brewing a cup of her adored jasmine tea amidst the volatile weather, humming a tune familiar yet unidentified.

"We can't go through the front door, and Yunho hyung is just twenty steps away. What if omma sees him?", Joonki says in perplexity.

"We go down the back window," Yeosang blurts.

"You're risking appa seeing us? Hyung, you have to think of something el-"

"Joonki," Yeosang ceases his speaking, "Whatever both of us are doing, it's for the best. If a weather," gesturing to the cloud ridden topography, "like this can't make him get up from his sleep, nothing can. We have to take the risk."

Joonki leers downward, back to his sibling and then to the landscape glaring at him through the lone window. The torrent, the cacophonous thunder, the gust of wind thrusting any neuter and living being in its path.

He contemplates the entirety of the plan of fleeing. To contemplate if the ifs and buts outweigh the psychological and physical briskness his being has plunged upon him.

He decides on trusting his older sibling and his navigation.

"Let's go by the back, we can go through the alley between the bushes."

"Okay, let's go. After we get down, don't let go of my hand," Yeosang treads for the window and levers it open, instantaneously moistening the ground near the window with parched leaves making its entrance in the cubicle, nearly flying to Joonki's visage.

"Are you ready?"

Joonki views the cubicle, his sibling and the scenery at his nose. He heaves a profound breath and fastens his bag on his stout shoulders.

"As I'll ever be," Joonki forges his footing near his window, as Yeosang nods and hops out of the window. Joonki doesn't strand any more time and tails after him. The siblings, by artless reflex, grasps each other's hands whilst treading through the raindrops and nature. Many vigilant footings later, they view the foreside of their house, and the visual of their mother relishing the weather and the warm liquid in her hand.

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