xvii: n-5 [5]

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Warning: use of derogatory term and gaslighting.

The next few days go by in a blur.

Joonki, for the first time, perceives the confiscation of half a parent's love.

The oldest is stringent enough to not converse with him, let alone gazing at him for a moment's worth.

The airspace in the moderately designed house has been ponderously taut. Huijin have spoken the least to their father in their twenty five years together. The lady of the house puts effort to address the elephant in the room, but to no avail.

The oldest, in no circumstances, bent to have an adult conversation about this.

Yeosang is reticent amidst it all. His volatile thoughts in this regard haven't sprinted in elation, rather forging a chokehold.

It's all in his mind, yet he perceives it with every marrow in his bones, every cell in his blood, every nerve end in his body.

He feels agonizing in his own home.

The oldest has curbed speaking to him, viewing him by the skin of one tooth's worth of time.

Approval, for most times, deems to be of the essence.

It forges a person's persona, traits, deliberation, conceptualization, to be under compulsion of such throughout their lives, if navigated, elucidated, conducted the hale way.

It can also rupture a person's morale, self admiration, self affirmation and aptitude if navigated, elucidated, conducted the unsound way.

The gradient which douses the spectrum amidst the two, the culmination would lead to a scenario fatiguing enough to unhinge.

The siblings find themselves in the gradient. Where everything is doused in the air of being gray.

They find themselves in a predicament to not douse their coherence in paint and brush, to not voice their inner rendezvous against the convention, the legality of it all.

It's bewildering to even perceive love as something characterized with magnitude of legality.

Where love thrives, love prevails, love conquers all, love has been marred on the floor, bleeding crimson tears from all the intramural cries of soulmates who couldn't belong to each other, who couldn't tousle their amorous hands ajar to the universe, who couldn't voice their manifesto at the potentiality of being waxed away.

If only their unique form of love wasn't unbrazen enough for the crude eyes to shred in shambles, for the immoral lips to spit venom, for the remorseless hands to raise for impact. All of it.

Little do they know, whatever form of love there is, it's all the same love.

The sheer, the lone apprehension forges a ripple effect of orthodoxically forbidden confidantes to march on, cheek to cheek limb to limb, hand to hand.

Yeosang doesn't unearth the universe to find love after the heartbreak; he anticipates the universe viewing the person in their being, who would gaze right at him and he would know he's found those amorous arms, the accelerating heartbeat, a wondrous soul he would vow to protect forever.

As for Joonki, it's an enigma. An destined expedition crossed to his one trueness less than a handful are cognizant of.

Amidst it all, their only glint of luminescence appears to be their mother. Who unapologetically adores them with every cell of her being.

They're at her sympathy for however long this roof imposes on them. Even after, so to speak.

It's their father who cogs on forging the remainder of their presence under his scrutiny, a walking torment.

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