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Taehyung sits himself in the studio of Yoongi, Genius Lab, devoid of Namjoon, albeit being a gigantic fragment of Vante.

Taehyung hasn't made a singular eye contact with him, let alone his presence in the gallery nor here, when he is of necessity right now.

Both the males in the studio delve in reticence before Yoongi voices.

"What actually happened before Joonki-nim hit Hoonhee-nim?", viewing Taehyung's countenance, a frown perpetual on him ever since afternoon, from exiting his gallery after Yoongi's call and viewing the news, ushering him employees to exit the edifice along the perplexed spectators, his travel to Hybe, astonishingly reticent, having spoken only five words from Vante to here.

"Hoonhee-nim tried to touch Joonki-nim inappropriately," Taehyung murmurs, eyes groundwards, as if lips are motioning, unwitting.

"And Joonki-nim decided to go straight for his nose," Yoongi chuckles, which is as unwitting as Taehyung's sentiment.

"Apparently, he has a rough past," Taehyung voices, "From how he replied to me."


"When I dropped him home after it happened, before things could get uglier. I asked him why he did it," Taehyungs sighs whilst gliding his hand over his visual, enervation manifesting from the toil, "It hit a nerve in him. I shouldn't have done that."

"From how he sounded, he has been violated before."

"I'm sorry," Yoongi voices after a moment of reticence.

"It's for Joonki-nim to reply how," Taehyung voices, an insensate, fatigued smile on his lips.

"Are you still on the rocks with Namjoon?", Yoongi asks.

"We haven't talked in the last week," Taehyung says, "He hasn't come to the gallery either."

"Namjoon hasn't spoken to me much, either. He sounds upset every time we speak," Yoongi says, heaving a sigh, gliding his hand through his tresses.

"I just keep upsetting people. Omma, Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung," Taehyung voices with vexation towards himself.

"Now's not the time to be thinking about that. Your gallery's reputation is at stake for a really false reason," Yoongi views Taehyung in the eyes, voicing with a stern tone.

"I just don't know what to think. How to get out of this mess and pull out Joonki-nim in the process," Taehyung voices in a muffled tone.

"We will find a way," Yoongi voices, countenance and conviction hardened as steel.

"I'm sorry for the bad press for an important event like yours," Taehyung voices, abashment translucent in his visuals.

"Hybe will handle it," Yoongi replies, stowing a hand on Taehyung's ones, "We just need someone to help you, if matters go south than it is."

"But who?", Taehyung voices with his jaded tone from what transpired, "Because he claimed it like it wasn't his fault. It's more likely people will take his side than ours."

"Given aboji's reputation. They see me the same way."

"It's true abonim has done some things we aren't proud of to get here, for instance," Yoongi voices before ceasing to, viewing Taehyung's more downhearted visual upon the ending word, "But I don't think you'd be like him. Having so many people's sweat and tears on your hands."

Taehyung nods in comprehension, heaving a profound sigh, enough to forge a miniscule smoke even at the precipice of summer.

"Do we start looking for lawyers if it rolls to an actual court case?"

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