xxv: n-3 [1]

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"It's Christmas! Merry Christmas, Taehyugie!"

"Jimin," Taehyung tenderly twirls to view the other male in elated spirits, "It's just Christmas Eve, and six am in the morning, let me sleep."

"It doesn't matter, it's the holidays! Get up," Jimin levers on the male's comforter, just to discover Taehyung yawning and spiraling himself into somnolence yet again.

Jimin sighs whilst viewing Taehyung, grasping upon the golden star to be stowed at the crown of the Christmas tree, yet to be embellished at all.

"I guess I do it alone, or maybe I can call Faye and Naruto, even his sister to come over, if that makes Taehyung wake up," Jimin grins in the juvenility of his strategy.

"But he stayed up a lot in the last few days of exams, so I shouldn't wake him up until another three to four hours," Jimin murmurs to himself, stowing himself on the ground beside Taehyung's bed.

Jimin delves into ruminations of wanting to while away his time amidst Taehyung's profound somnolence. Few minutes later, he stands up to tiptoe to the kitchen, tenderly shutting the door to Taehyung's cubicle, opting for hot chocolate with the present edibles. Upon its finishing, he views the topography shrouded with snow, whilst nearly skipping near the window to his cubicle, grinning in infantile glee. He sits himself on the bed, cozying up against the comforter to view the tender snowfall with tranquility, well aware of the cacophony and haphazard yet to be ensued in a few hours because of the preparations of the party at the midnight of the Christmas.

Jimin strands the time in his hands relishing on his breakfast, warming up and dancing in tow, ceasing with a nap of an hour until it's time for Taehyung to be levered away from his unconscious reverie.

"Taehyung, it'll be noon if you sleep another couple of hours," Jimin tenderly nudges Taehyung, levering on the comforter whilst levitating a sweater of hefty size on his arm.

"What time is it?", Taehyung's scratchy voice inquires.

"Ten am."

"I guess I can wake up," Taehyung murmurs, whilst sitting up, viewing the cubicle, apprehending the snowfall outside with dwindling eyes.

"It's been snowing ever since morning," Jimin voices in a muted tone, viewing the younger's discernment.

"This is why I feel like my feet and hands are going to be frozen like meat items placed in the freezer," Taehyung levers on his sweater above his head to permit it embracing his bodice.

"Freshen up, I'll make some hot chocolate to warm you up," Jimin tender sketches circles on his shoulders, whilst Taehyung completely opens his eyes, standing up to reach for the bathroom.

Jimin exits to the kitchen and replicates the similar process as he did for himself a few hours ago. There is no suggestion of the solar body whilst the day is nearing its middle.

Only glacial snow and crossfading hums of passersby relishing the snow cascading down the airspace and transports of passengers gliding towards their dear ones. To commemorate the day appearing in half of twenty four hours.

"Do you want to go down and have fun after this?", Jimin asks whilst Taehyung trudges in to stow himself on the chair in front of the counter adjoining the kitchen, hair ruffled, eyes magnified, gazing into nothing certain.

"Huh?" Taehyung voices whilst spacing in, viewing the stubbier male standing with his hot chocolate, ready to be transferred to him, "I'll say yes to whatever you're doing."

"Alright," Jimin hands him the hot chocolate, "We're going out to have fun with snow, or simply sit in the university to take in the scenery.

"Isn't it closed today?", Taehyung asks in perplexity.

"I know the guard well enough to let us in," Jimin grins, gesturing to the victory sign on his left.

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