xlvi: n

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Joonki waves his fingers over the keyboard, attempting to morph an email, perceiving the need to ask for a week off.

His deft fingers type in the official email, before pressing the cursor to the email subject, by the by to the email body.

In a trice, his brisk fingers don't appear to be brisk in cascading the syllables on the screen. He heaves a sigh before inking a sentence before pressuring the backspace to swipe it away. His fingers weave across the keyboard again, able to stow two sentences on the screen before the pace ebbs, and he retracts his hands to his tresses.

His head views groundwards, heaving a sigh as he swallows his throat before gazing up to the laptop screen yet again.

He perceives himself as a being without rapport, the occurrence of last week brunting on his psyche and to a minimality, his physique.

Ever since his loss of consciousness, he hasn't discovered somnolence ever since. His psyche, his bodice, his conscience is awake, his senses reaching skyward. His mother attempted to persuade him to sleep, but to no avail.

His eyes swirl with an undesignated blankness as he views the screen. The impending doom only injects in him the want to spiral into a shell and never exit. His brusqueness has caused him another episode of disquiet.

One he is unbeknownst of if he can come out unscathed.

He heaves another sigh whilst viewing the laptop, in a singular point deciding to just send the email after briskly typing the rest.

His endeavor ceases its work rather swiftly as he presses send before pressing on the red cross and clasping the lid with a dissonant thump.

He hears footsteps a minute later, a perplexed and worried Huijin's footings resound through the house, treading the middle of the apartment before standing beside Joonki.

"I heard a noise," Huijin views him, scrutinizing him before viewing all over the cubicle before gazing back at him.

"Omma, it's nothing," Joonki attempts at a bantam smile, but it doesn't tread to his eyes. Huijin views the languishness and disquiet in his eyes.

"Joonki," Huijin voices as he grasps a hand of his, "I'm your mother. You shouldn't try to fool me."

Joonki views groundwards, head slanting towards before gazing back at his mother.

"I just don't know what to do, that's all," Joonki voices with a laggard tone, "I've sent the email for a week off. Let's see what they say."

Huijin doesn't reply, only squeezes his hand.

"I always seem to bring trouble, don't I?", Joonki snickers albeit the glumness being more designated in his statement.

"You have defended yourself," Huijin says after a moment's reticence, "You were trying to protect yourself. It was never your fault."

"Yet I am the one who is being framed, isn't it?", Joonki voices with a desolate tone.

"As long as Yeosang and I are around, nothing will happen to you," Huijin grasps both sides of his visuals, stranding him with no choice but to view her, "I promise you. Yeosang and I will protect you."

"You were never wrong for what Hyunsoo did to you, and what that CEO is wanting to do to you," Huijin voices as Joonki's slits fails to amass a tear cascading down his cheek, "It's them who are wrong. This time, I won't let you suffer."

Joonki doesn't reply, simply reticent, causing Huijin's heart to precipitate a bit more.

Huijin glides her hands away from his visuals before Joonki swipes on his tears. She heaves a sigh before voicing, "Joonki, I don't know what it feels to feel what you do. It's true Hyunsoo has said awful things to me about me and both to you. But it doesn't discount what Hyunsoo inflicted on you."

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