xiv: n-5 [2]

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Joonki's house has been illuminated with nothing but joviality, buzzing with melodious enunciation from the lady of the house, or as it is audible to Joonki and his father.

Yeosang has been sanctioned a full fledged two week vacation from his rather illiberal discipline, the most unabridged recess he has mustered to achieve in a near two and a half year long higher academics. At best, it's always sporadic visits during the weekends, moments spent with utmost caution, brimmed with longing of homeliness. The prospect of his occupancy during their parents' binding ceremony puts Joonki's psyche into ease, granted that he senses loneliness without the only sibling.

He has turned into, or so he thinks, an adept to forge a shield called poker face to disallow its expression.

Amid it all, the contagiousness ensuing from his mother, the utter euphoria of being near him on their biggest day, the upcoming event eased into the insignia of good memories brims his insides with relief and adoration for his family.

He wouldn't trade this ambience with anything.

"We are going to make it big this year," His father says, mounted beside him in their garden chairs whilst viewing his mother talking over the phone, trekking to and fro over reserving their favorite restaurant in town for an entire evening, after an outdoor hike by the Ajung lake.

"Seems so," Joonki tails behind his father to peek at his mother, who utters something along the lines of 'entire evening' amid the animated exchange with the manager.

"Hyung will spend the anniversary with us this year, she will go far and wide to spoil him with food and all that."

"Yeosang," his father murmurs, "It's been long since we saw him," heaving a sigh. "He just came for four days in Christmas. It was almost four months ago."

Joonki nods, viewing the early afternoon airspace, with as much vibrancy and clarity as hues the bloom graced them with.

"It'll be nice, being four of us again," He says, attuning in his seat to opt for a cozier position.

"I think Huijin will call Haesol with us on the lake visit."

"Yeemoh is coming with everyone?"

"Yes. I'm excited to see how much Hayoung has grown in the last year," His father says with a cheshire grin at the thought of the youngest in their family.

"You're not the least bit worried about Jooyoung telling my ear off about her second year at high school?", Joonki huffs, internally eye rolling at the occurrence of bearing with his colloquial cousin.

"You still love her anyway and even enjoy her chattiness," His father giggles, slightly prodding Joonki with his elbow.

"You can only wish, appa. She's annoying," Joonki dusts off his father's rather unerring exclamation.

"My sweetheart Jooyoung isn't annoying, you're not willing to get along with her because you're jealous she's liked by many," His mother makes her entrance, mounting on the staircase gliding down to the vegetable garden, near the kitchen in the backyard.

"I have Jongwan, Sungwoon and Hansung, I don't need the entire school to like me," Joonki inanely sticks out the apex of his tongue to his mother.

"At times I wonder why Jooyoung isn't my daughter," His mother teases the youngest, appending to his vexation.

"Since you like her too much, I can move away with Hayoung while you can keep her," Joonki replies with the same tenacity of his mother's words.

"Huijin, stop, you know how he gets about this," His father interrupts, viewing a rather blemished countenance of the youngest.

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