xxii: n

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a/n: i realized i never gave long chapter warnings, so this one is 30 mins long :)

Taehyung's own art gallery has never been immersed with a sea of people, at least not to a mammoth extent; event managers, subordinates, caterers, his grandmother, with the oddity of his beloved sister, unbeknownst of her whereabouts, Namjoon and Yoongi being his aid behind the opening event. Namjoon is the biggest out of all, impelled by his passion for art.

"Put the Goguryeo art inspired ink illustration over there," Yoongi directs the three workers grasping on the rectangular artwork to the rear of the wall overlooking the main entrance. His grandmother overlooks the placement of delicacies and drinks, whilst Namjoon stands by the owner of the place, dousing in the pursuit of it all.

"Thank goodness things are going well for the event tonight. Enough media coverage, inviting a very special guest, setting up the decorations and catering," Namjoon says, whilst Taehyung admires the interior and ornaments underscoring the edifice.

"Did I make a good decision making a good part of the second floor separated for conferences?", Taehyung asks whilst viewing a specific ceiling light, its amber gleam permeating warmth through his insides. The cacophony of cutleries clanking, vocals shrieking for every sort of placement and misplacement, scurried footing resounding through the hallways dims and scratches into static in the background.

"You did. I'm sure anyone would like to hold deals and meetings in the ambience of amazing artworks you made and gathered from your graduating class," Namjoon stows a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, conjuring a smile with as much frankness one can muster.

Taehyung nods in reply, "I love the calligraphy based on Chusashe from Grover. Did I ever tell you he almost overtook me in my last year at Seattle? He is amazing for giving an ode to ancient Korean monumental inscriptions, drawing this to send me as a gift."

"It looks very prim and precise," Namjoon views the calligraphy with admiration, a gleam brimming in his eyes.

"He loves calligraphy, so he's bound to be the best in it," Taehyung voices with amusement.

"I like the abstract, spiral-like acrylic painting from the third aisle," Namjoon says.

"That's from Jasmine," Taehyung says with a grin, "She had made it for a potential first commission, and happily sold it to me, as she always is."

"She sounds nice, from how you're talking about her."

"She is. She is one of the few friends I made when I was done with being immersed in work for all the time before second year, approaching me one day at lunch and we clicked. Grover came along later," Taehyung explains with ardor.

"What about Naruto and Nara? Do you speak with them?"

Taehyung's countenance instantaneously manifests to be sardonically glum.

"No. They knew and they never told me because they were selfish about keeping me close to them as friends. I can't go back to people who were siding with her reasoning."

Namjoon only nods in apprehension, viewing Yoongi trudging for the seating benches placed for spectators whilst they immerse in the ambience of the edifice, amidst the enjoyment and satisfaction.

"Let's give Yoongi hyung some company, he looks tired," Namjoon voices whilst going for the table full of drinks to lever on a water bottle, Taehyung trudging for his grandmother to take responsibility, as most of the embellishment has been ensured in its rightful place, getting a cheshire grin in return and her elucidation of happiness amidst the busyness of the catering. The younger boy stows himself beside Namjoon, viewing the oldest, a hand propped over his eyes, bottle in the other, opened and half devoured.

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