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Joonki is not permitted the timespan to comprehend nor ruminate upon what transpires.

Instantaneously, he's been awaken to the scenery of his mother's moist clad visual, clasping her hand on her mouth as the other grasp on his brother's bicep, his brother viewing him with tenderness and joviality and a sentiment he is too enervated to even voice. His crown is perceived to be substantial to himself, grasping it with the hand whose elbow is stowed on the bed too miniscule for his physique, as the lock is unclasped by the kind looking policeman, levering on the draw to open the door.

"Joonki," Huijin croaks out before Yeosang provides her rapport to usher her inside, every step lumbering to Joonki's ears, "My poor boy."

Yeosang allows her mother's knees to plough into the ground, as her hands unclasp Yeosang and tenderly leans into Joonki's visual, Joonki's eyes fluttering shut upon the contact.

"I'm so sorry you had to see this," Huijin croaks out as she stows her head near to Joonki's chest, as the latter eyes enlarge, before viewing his brother.

"She was worried, and she wouldn't stop crying until we went to Hybe," Yeosang voices in a near muted tonality, a miniscule smile on his visual, "She feels ashamed you had to see this."

Joonki views him, hearing him before viewing Huijin, who is yet to cease crying, his dingy ensemble even more moist.

"I think you all should talk after leaving the jail," Heechan voices from behind, "It'll be better this way."

Yeosang nods at the officer before tenderly patting his mother's shoulder, as she swipes on her eyes before being afoot, grasping Joonki's hand as the hefty male stands himself, before his footing could be doused in normalcy. He nearly nosedives to the ground before Yeosang grasps him.

"I think we should go home quickly," Yeosang says as Joonki flutters his eyes close before opening them, murmuring 'I'm alright' before stranding his brother's grasp.

The three trudges out of the cell before Heechan locks it again, before tailing them.

Their exit to the main station is sluggish, as Joonki's bodice nearly levitates from the bare minimum nutrition, Yeosang and Huijin grasping his hands in rapport. Upon reaching the station, Hwangsoo snickers from his desk, viewing the quartet.

"The kid got free, huh?" Hwangsoo says before viewing Joonki with disdain.

"Hwangsoo hyung, he's not at fault," Heechan voices as Joonki ceases to tread, Yeosang and Huijin viewing him in skepticism, avoidant of the police's words.

Joonki views Hwangsoo, which allows the police to snicker again.

"What? You're mad I called you a kid?"

Joonki strands a grin, one Yeosang and Huijin haven't viewed in a long time, one which gleams possibly far more than the natural luminescence.

"Look at you, calling me a kid, when," Joonki coughs a bit as Yeosang swirls his hand in circles on his back, "You're rotting your teeth talking smack like a child does to what too much candy can do to them," gliding his grin back again.

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