xxx: n-3 [final]

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a/n: it' going down :)

"Are you anywhere close to scam money off that boyfriend of yours?"

"No," Faye murmurs, whilst upending two eggs, the sunny side up, at the crack of the solar body, weaving its path through the windows. Faye and Trevor have been awake for an hour, priming to initiate the labored day ahead.

"It's been nearly a year since you got together with him, and not a single information to pull the money off?"

"I don't have the information. Also, I don't think I can do this," Faye voices with vexation, stowing salt and pepper on the delicacy.

"What do you mean you can't do this?", Trevor treads to stand beside her, eyes gazing at her with splintering perplexity.

"I don't think I can scam his bank balance off him."

"You've caught some sort of feelings for him," Trevor murmurs.

Faye's eyes magnify in parameter, viewing the man in his, crowned by pleated brows and tenacious leer in his cerulean irises.

"What happened back there in your country?", Trevor asks with a great deal of interrogative tonality.

"He confessed to me," Faye murmurs, nudging the eggs with a spatula, tresses cascading around her visuals.

"He loves you. You're halfway there to make him blindly trust you," Trevor's tonality upheaves in octaves with every syllable, nearly stranding a cacophonous chuckle at its ceasing.

"He loves me fully," Faye murmurs, a bantam smile gliding to her lips at the reminiscence of a week ago, standing on the cliff, his arms encasing her middle with vigilant tenderness and ardency.

"You confessed back, and he believed it. He's just so stupid," Trevor tsks, voicing sardonically.

"He did," Faye's visage morphs into her artless sculpture, ceasing the fire to rise in its true blue, grasping two dishes to stow the eggs.

"This is fantastic, good job Faye," Trevor pats her back, a mammoth grin on his visuals.

"I really don't want to do this anymore. I can't scam him when he confessed to me with so much love. The guilt would eat me inside out," Faye murmurs, inserting two breads into the toast machine.

"This is your feelings talking in his stead. The real Faye would go with the plan, get the money and fly to her destination," Trevor voices in an effectual tonality.

"What if I want to stay with him and not go?"

"All the way to Korea? Where people speak a language you don't understand? Where people look a stark contrast to your visuals? Where people have some sort of prejudice towards dark skinned people, if not everyone but most?"

Faye pleats her brows at the ending statement, viewing him with perplexity.

"What do you mean they don't like dark skinned people?"

"They have some sort of vendetta for dark skinned people. They like viewing pale, porcelain toned people. Lord knows what they would do to you if you ever go there," Trevor stows his hands on her shoulders.

Faye views downwards to the ground, his statements initiating a spiral of rumination in her psyche.

Trevor views her with discernment, an ominous smile on his lips at her tug of war he can view translucently through his eyes.

He is adept at discerning Faye's weaknesses and strengths.

"Do you still think having this relationship is worth your life? Where can you be in danger?"

Faye stays reticent, gazing at anywhere but his eyes.

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