xi: n-7

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The meadow is all he urges to behold.

In his canvas. After an enervated day at school, toiled in scribblings from the black board, outlined in the art club he willingly joined ever since its inception, earning him applauding gazes and malicious phrases and zealous sports hours.

"Wheein noona, Hyejin noona, come on, we have to go there," Joonki murmurs, the older two engrossed in an exchange with their label for the preceding half an hour.

"Our debut anniversary? Alright. We'll be there," Wheein hashes the phone call, both the young women heaving a sigh. Joonki upon their turning to face him, perceives their doleful mien and adds two and two altogether.

"You two will have to go back to Seoul again, won't you?", Joonki says, a crestfallen visage swimming to the surface. "You won't be here this year for my birthday, or the holidays," his leer aslant to the ground.

"In a week's time, since we have to practice our song with choreography," Hyejin voices, viewing the younger boy whose visual, by degrees, looks to be frowning from the previous twinkling ambience.

"We also have festivals lined up, and it's a lot," Wheein voices, "We might not be home even for the holidays. I'm sorry Joonki."

"It's okay, noona," Joonki voices, trying to bear a facade far more diverged than the persuasion, yet fails.

His noonas are more heedful than one can assume.

"I know we barely get to spend time now. So let's hang out a lot for the week, so we won't have any regrets for the rest of the year. How does that sound?", Hyejin titters, an effort to gladden the younger, whose eyes are shrouded in dearth of effulgence.

His countenance softens a bit, leniently causing him to leer at his noonas.

"Swear on your pinkies?", Joonki views the other two, probing onto their visuals for an iota of duplicity, pinky held out in anticipation.

Wheein and Hyejin take each hand of the younger, encasing their pinkies around his middling ones.

"We promise you," Wheein voices, a titanic grin conjuring an indent beneath her right cheek, amplifying the A-list smile of hers.

Joonki reciprocates with a cheshire grin of his own.

"Now that's settled, we can go for the meadow," Hyejin voices, untethering the pinky, nearly ushering both towards the blooming herbage with her gestures.

"Look, who's excited now," Wheein prods the other girl.

"Please, I won't be able to see it being covered by snow, now that we have a lot of festivals to perform in," Hyejin voices, a wistful smile on her lips.

"That's true. The wildflowers look too pretty to my eyes," Wheein nods in empathy.

Joonki has been reticent, in effort to locate a scheme, to conjure something to abridge their disconcerting feeling. One dawns onto him rather briskly.

"Wheein noona, Hyejin noona, what if I draw a scenery for both of you? So you can look at it anytime? ", Joonki voices out, the effulgence of his visual upheaving a smile and glister in his brown eyes.

"You will draw one for us? Are you sure you can?", Wheein titters, keyed up in joy.

"It'll take time to draw the snow casting over the trees and flowers, but I'll try doing it before you two go," Joonki seals his commitment.

"Thank you so much, my favorite dongsaeng," Hyejin views the younger, tousling his tresses.

"Noona, don't ruin my hair," Joonki voices, neatening his tresses back, feigning a mock vexation.

"You secretly like it anyway," Hyejin conjured a grin, seemingly incandescent in contrast to her hazel skin.

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