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"Yoongi hyung wants you to visit him. He wants to see the person behind the work," Taehyung voices as he views Joonki's visuals morph into stupefaction, although toiling to ebb the keenness.

"But won't it waste his time?", Joonki says as he views Taehyung.

"He invited you to his listening party for the album release," Taehyung says as he props his chin on his hands, viewing as another tide of astonishment glides on Joonki's countenance.

Joonki's reticence lingers for a bit before he voices, "That's very kind of him, but I don't think I should go," viewing at the ground.

"I'm not sure how to say this," Taehyung says, "But Yoongi hyung doesn't invite just anyone. He invites everyone who contributes to his craft, be it more or less. I'm guessing you're not the most excited person for this, but a lot of people would like to be in your shoes right now."

Joonki nods in comprehension, although the vexation from his past toiling to glide its way to the surface at the alluding to being in his shoes as of now.

Taehyung isn't aware of what has transpired, and Joonki has resolved for it to be kept that way.

"All I can ask you to think about it," Taehyung says before Joonki nods, murmuring a yes.

Joonki bows to the male before exiting the cubicle, the rumination of concurring with the offer.

Agust D's listening party. Only a handful of the entirety of the South Korean population are permitted to grace his music before it cascades to the world, and his state of the art album would be critically revered upon the first listen. Because he always yields his best, and his frankness has drawn a lot of rapport for the rapper in the initial stage of his career path.

It's a mammoth event to be a speck, a plop of, but his easement in being taciturn and outlying amid amassing fails to forge any sense in causing his presence known in there.

Whilst his rumination swirls, Minyoung tenderly nudges him from his side, yet the boy delves in its brim.

"Earth to Kang Joonki, my new friend," Minyoung waves a hand at his nose, causing him to flutter his eyes a few times before focusing his view on her, standing with a grin, as he discovers himself on the feet of the stairs.

"What did he say?", Minyoung voices with curiosity.

"He wants me to meet the rapper," Joonki says, yet to be sprinting out of the gravity of the overture.

"He wants you to meet Agust D," Minyoung murmurs, viewing him as her eyes magnify in delirium.

"Please don't scream," Joonki gazes back, swallowing his throat.

"I won't, but this is huge!", Minyoung whispers, nearly skipping in her stature, "But how? You can't just walk in his label building."

"He wants me to be at his listening party for the new album," Joonki whispers.

Minyoung views him for a moment with her mouth open enough for several bees to make their entrance.

"You have to be kidding me," Minyoung whispers again, looking as a teenage boy trudges by them, gazing at them with perplexity and eccentricity.

"Well," Joonki forges a sheepish smile on his lips.

"You have to go," Minyoung says.

"I don't know if it'll bid well," Joonki shrugs.

"It will. You're getting your art out there, and this can be a big step," Minyoung says, hands splayed on her sides in ratifying her stance.

"I said I'll think about it," Joonki voices in mild annoyance, brows pleating at her obtrusiveness.

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