Historia Reiss

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The following 11 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 25 (Annie's Pleasure), Chapter 26 (The Royal Titan), Chapter 27 (The Attack Titan Vs Levi), Chapter 28 (Historia's Love), Chapter 29 (Titan Serum), Chapter 30 (Levi's Titan), Chapter 31 (An Ackerman Titan), Chapter 32 (Annie's Loyalty), Chapter 33 (Graduation), Chapter 34 (The Breach of Trost), and Chapter 35 (The Counter Attack) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

"Perhaps I should have it." A voice broke the silence like a knife through butter.

This made everyone turn towards the source of the voice, only to see Krista looking at them with conviction. Her eyes seemed somehow different.

"Why you?" he asked, his voice low and measured, as he scrutinized her every move. Krista stood her ground, her own gaze fixed on his and a fierce determination etched on her features.

Despite the moment's intensity, Krista surprisingly didn't back down from his gaze. Instead, she looked as if a fire was burning in her eyes, a fierce passion that refused to be quenched.

"Because my name is Historia Reiss,"

Suddenly, a moment of complete silence descended upon the room, broken only by the sound of Levi clearing his throat. The tension in the air was palpable as Levi placed his hands on the table and leaned slightly forward, his eyes scanning the faces of the brats. "What do you mean your name in the register is Krista Lenz?" he questioned sharply, his tone laced with confusion and suspicion. Mike, who had checked the register, simply nodded in agreement.

As Levi's sharp gaze swept across the faces of the stupid cadets, he could easily discern the mix of shock, confusion, and disbelief etched across their features - all except for Ymir, who seemed to have already known about the startling revelation that had just been shared with them.

"What are you talking about, Krista?" Eren asked, looking at her.

As Historia sat across from Eren and Ymir, her eyes began to gloss over with a tinge of sadness as she began to recount the last interaction she had with her father, Rod Reiss. She spoke softly, with a slight downcast look, as she revealed that the last time she saw her father, he stripped her of her birth name and gave her a new identity- Krista. To make matters worse, he sent her away to join the Training Corps, seemingly to get rid of her. The memory of her father's callous words still stung, but as Eren reached under the table to gently squeeze her hand, she was reminded that she was not alone in this.

Erwin leaned forward and politely asked, "If it isn't too much bother, might I know your story?" His blue eyes glittered with excitement as he saw a perfect opportunity in front of him. But first, he wanted to make sure that Krista or Historia wasn't making all of this up for the sake of gaining a Titan Power.

Historia reluctantly nodded before retelling her story on the Farm.

One night. Historia watched as her mother walked outside to a carriage, wearing fancy clothes. She got in and disappeared for the night.

'Where are you going?' Historia thought. Historia grabbed her book and went back to reading.

The following day. Historia was feeding the horses when she saw her mother before deciding to walk up to her. Historia knew the way her mother treated her was not the way mothers should treat their children. She hoped that one day when she had children, she would never do the same thing her mother did.

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