Annie's Fate

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The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 49 (The 'Devils of Paradis'), Chapter 50 (Followers of Eren Yeager), Chapter 51 ('I Wanted to be A Hero'), Chapter 52 (The Yeagerists), Chapter 53 (A Giant Man, A Small Shadow), Chapter 54 (A Night of Pleasure), Chapter 55 (Reaching Wall Rose), Chapter 56 (Warriors Amongst Devils), Chapter 57 (A Trial for Humanity), Chapter 58 (A Betrayal), Chapter 59 (A Breach in Wall Rose), Chapter 60 (The Beast Titan), Chapter 61 (The Crimson Bow and Arrow), Chapter 62 (Ape Vs Lion), and Chapter 63 (Historia, The Winged Titan) are already available for Patrons.

Annie's peaceful slumber was abruptly shattered as she jolted awake, a sudden jarring sensation coursing through her body when she felt an unexpected tap on the side of her head. Letting out a deep, exasperated groan that echoed through the room's stillness, she yearned desperately to retreat back into the comforting embrace of sleep, where she could escape the harsh reality and immerse herself in the solace of a more promising daydream. However, as her heavy eyelids reluctantly lifted, revealing the world beyond her dreamscape, she found herself immersed in a dimly lit cell, the feeble rays of light gradually penetrating her vision as her eyes gradually adjusted, offering a glimpse of the confining space that held her captive.

As Annie's eyes fluttered open, she was immediately struck by the sight that greeted her: her left hand, adorned with a silver ring, was firmly bound to the rough stone wall by an intricately crafted chain, its links glinting in the dim light that filtered from the small candle outside of the cell.

A sense of vulnerability washed over her, intertwining with a flicker of determination as her gaze shifted to her right hand, liberated and ready for action. Despite the weariness etched on her weathered face, Annie recognized the necessity of her predicament, understanding that this unconventional arrangement was essential for her safety. She gazed up at the figures standing before her with piercing blue eyes.

Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of Captain Levi, his short figure casually leaning against the cold stone wall, exuding an air of nonchalance. To the untrained eye, he appeared disinterested, lost in a world of boredom. However, Annie, with her keen intuition and astute observation skills, sensed the truth. She knew that every fiber of Captain Levi's being was attuned to her presence, his piercing gaze fixated on her every move, silently acknowledging her as a force to be reckoned with.

As Annie's gaze wandered across the dimly lit prison cell, her eyes were irresistibly drawn to the commanding presence of Commander Erwin Smith. He sat, regally perched upon a plush, comfortable chair strategically positioned mere inches away from the confines of her open cell door. The atmosphere was thick with tension, palpable even in the stillness of their surroundings. As her eyes locked with his, she couldn't help but notice the enigmatic facade that dominated his countenance, devoid of any discernible emotion. It was as if his gaze held the weight of a thousand secrets, refusing to divulge even the faintest hint of what lay beneath.

Annie's gaze was drawn to the figure standing before her. The woman, clad in a pair of stylish eyeglasses, possessed a wild, untamed aura that seemed to radiate from her very core. There was an undeniable madness in the depths of her eyes. Annie couldn't fathom why, but a sudden surge of trepidation coursed through her veins as the woman's gaze locked onto her own, accompanied by a smile that twisted and contorted, evoking an uncomfortable sensation deep within her soul.

As the cold silence enveloped the dimly lit cell, Commander Erwin's authoritative voice pierced through the air, addressing Annie Leonhart with a gravity that seemed to echo through the confines of her very existence. His piercing blue eyes bore into her, seemingly dissecting her thoughts and emotions with uncanny precision, as if he held the key to unlocking the secrets hidden within her soul.

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