Keep Moving Forward

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Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The following EIGHT chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 14 (Trust), Chapter 15 (Titan Captured), Chapter 16 (Alone at Night), Chapter 17 (Blessed Titan Shifter), Chapter 18 (Mikasa's Titan), Chapter 19 (Ymir's Night), Chapter 20 (Subjects of Ymir), and Chapter 21 (A Monster with Tears) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

The sun was high in the sky, dry land all around them, and their horses were doing much better than them. Everyone felt their throats dry. Eren was leading the group! When Keith had chosen him as the leader, even he had been surprised by that, but nonetheless, he wanted to do this Exercise as well as he possibly could; Armin was writing word per word on what was happening. He knew with Armin's help, this exercise would be nothing, but unfortunately, a horseface was on his group as well.

Connie and Marco were talking about who could jump higher for some reason, Eren wasn't sure what that was about, but he didn't really care. His annoyance was primarily directed at Jean, who was mostly not caring about this exercise; he acted as if they were out there to simply look at the nature. Nature was quite beautiful, but that's not why they were out here, getting roasted by the sun like pieces of meat.

Sasha rode over to Eren, seeing him all gloomy. "Ere, you alright?" She asked, concerned, tapping him gently on his shoulder, making the boy escape his thoughts, turning his head to face her.

"I'm fine, Sasha, just thinking about the survival test," Eren answered with a little smile; the girl felt her cheeks flush at his smile.

"Ohh, now you're our leader. It is your job to watch our backs, but don't worry, Eri. I will personally watch your back," Sasha said with a cute smile; Eren grunted at the stupid nickname. He decided to say anything else and simply focus on the exercise.

Seeing that Eren wasn't saying anything to her, Sasha decided to tease him more. "Come on, Eri, Er, Eru, Erein, Era, Erere, EreH," she kept teasing, her head leaning closer to Eren the more she talked; Eren rolled his eyes, looking the other way.

The boy, head to hand, sighed, hearing Sasha's nickname for him and almost relenting until an unlikely savior came in the form of his bald friend.

"Jeez, Sasha, get off his back. It almost sounds like you like the guy," Connie said half-heartedly, still in a bored daze on his horse.

Had it not been for the timely intervention of the small blonde in the rear of the group, no doubt everybody would have seen the brunette, face red in embarrassment, failing to form some semblance of a reply. "Sasha's just worried about a comrade, right?" Krista said, aiming the statement and a slightly smirked face at the other girl.

The girl from Dauper, having recovered slightly, quickly fumbled out a hurried, "Yeah...yeah, that's all it is..."

Eren chucked, and after a few minutes of silence, he noticed they were very slow.

"Jean, if you're going to ride at a snail's pace, I'm going ahead," Eren said.

Eren tried to ride forward but was stopped by Marco, "We need to do this as a group..." the boy started, "Jean, what do you think we should do?"

His friend answered, "Like I care." The gray-haired teen said flatly, "It's not like this is gonna get me into the Military Police."

"Let's just focus on the exercise then," Armin suggested.

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