A Soldier or A Warrior

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The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 41 (A Signal in The Sky), Chapter 42 (The Traitors of Humanity), Chapter 43 (The Clash of Titans), Chapter 44 (A Dream of Joy), Chapter 45 (His Name is Eren Yeager), Chapter 46 (Mikasa's Love), Chapter 47 (A Knife in The Back), Chapter 48 (Annie's Fate), Chapter 49 (The 'Devils of Paradis'), Chapter 50 (Followers of Eren Yeager), Chapter 51 ('I Wanted to be A Hero'), Chapter 52 (The Yeagerists), Chapter 53 (A Giant Man, A Small Shadow), Chapter 54 (A Night of Pleasure), and Chapter 55 (Reaching Wall Rose) are already available for Patrons.

As the deafening roar of the Titans filled the battlefield, Eren's adrenaline surged through his veins. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he pulled the trigger, releasing his grappling hook from his ODM gear. The hook shot through the air, latching onto a nearby building, and with a burst of gas, he propelled himself forward towards the massive Boulder that loomed ahead. His squad followed closely behind, their own ODM gear whirring loudly as they raced toward their target. As they closed in on the Boulder, Eren could feel his heart pounding in his chest, knowing that the fate of humanity in the Walls rested on their success in this mission.

"Indeed, it may seem extraordinarily small when compared to what humanity has given up this far! However! For humankind, that single, small step will be a great leap forward!"

As Eren Yeager propelled himself downwards with the aid of the ODM Gear, his muscles strained with the weight of his mission to save humanity from the Titans that threatened their existence. His agile frame passed through the narrow gaps of a bridge; his eyes focused on the towering boulder that obstructed his path.

With a swift movement of his hand, he launched another grappling hook, the metallic cord whistling through the air before latching onto the top of a tower. With a burst of compressed gas, Eren propelled himself upwards, his heart pounding with adrenaline as he closed in on his target. His eyes locked onto the colossal boulder that stood between him and his goal. As he bit down on his hand, his teeth sinking into flesh and bone, Eren felt the familiar surge of power coursing through his veins. And he was not alone. Ymir, his trusted ally, stood twenty meters away, her own hand clamped tightly in her teeth as she, too, drew upon the power of the Titans.

Suddenly, two bolts of golden lightning ripped through the sky, illuminating the darkest corners of the city and drawing the attention of every nearby Titan. The lightning seemed to be drawn to Eren and Ymir, striking them with an intensity that caused the ground to tremble beneath their feet.

The atmosphere was tense as the garrison soldiers and the cadets stood in awe, witnessing the magnificent transformation of The Jaw and Attack Titans right before their very eyes. The ground shook with the force of the colossal Ymir's Jaw Titan as it gracefully landed on a nearby rooftop, causing the entire building to tremble and creak under the weight of its eleven-meter body. The onlookers' hearts raced with excitement as they stared in amazement at the ferocious Jaw Titan, whose deafening roar echoed through the skies, sending shivers down their spines.

Suddenly, a loud rumble shook the ground, and within seconds, a massive figure emerged from thin air, towering over the small houses. Attack Titan stood 21 meters tall, his body radiating immense power. The Attack Titan formed near a house, making the whole structure crumble as if it were made of toothpicks. Debris flew everywhere. Eren let out a deafening roar as if to assert his dominance over the town and the Titans.

Mikasa and Armin quickly noticed that Eren was shorter; they quickly realized that he should have rested for a bit longer before turning a second time after being a Titan for over an Hour.

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