The Beast Titan

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The Following 15 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 61 (The Crimson Bow and Arrow), Chapter 62 (Ape Vs Lion), Chapter 63 (Historia, The Winged Titan), Chapter 64 (Battle Between Brothers), Chapter 65 ('Here's Kenny'), Chapter 66 (The Paths), Chapter 67 (Sasha's Pleasure), Chapter 68 (King Eren?), Chapter 69 (An Angel and A Devil), Chapter 70 (The Ackerman Blood), Chapter 71 (Eren's Love), Chapter 72 (Blood of the Eldians), Chapter 73 (Father and Daughter), Chapter 74 (King Eren and Queen Historia), and Chapter 75 (Eren and Historia's Night) are already available  for Patrons.


"So that's the whole truth!" Sasha almost shouted, her voice echoing throughout the common room, her village accent returning, but it seemed she quickly remembered and slipped back to the accent she used now within a second.

Eren nodded without much thought. Mikasa and his girlfriends were sitting beside him around a large square table; Armin and Mina were sharing a moment outside. Eren knew he had been missing her, and from the way Mina had kissed him in front of everyone, he knew she had missed him too.

After the trial ended, Captain Levi instructed Eren and his friends, except Annie, to spend their time in the Survey Corps Headquarters' common room. Since Annie was still seen with suspicion, Levi Squad followed her around everywhere; thankfully, it seemed Petra had become friends with Annie. Eren had heard them exchanging words with one another, so Eren was glad Annie wasn't exactly alone with strangers.

After walking into the common room, they were greeted by their friends from the Training Corps and many other members of the Survey Corps. Eren had been confused at first when he saw Sasha and Connie standing there; he understood why Jean was there but not them.

Jean explained that due to what had been happening the last week, the second in command had been the one to start the ceremony, where the soldiers would decide which Military Branch they would join. He then explained how all those before him had decided to join the Survey Corps. To make sure the future is a better one.

Eren didn't know how to feel when he saw the many soldiers who had joined the Survey Corps because of him. Even Captain Levi commented that the number of soldiers that had joined the Survey Corps this year was more than doubled.

'What is that look, Brat?' Levi asked him with a hushed voice.

'Captain Levi, those people, they all joined because of me. They joined the Survey Corps. If they die, not 'if' I know some of them might die, then is-' 'Don't go down that road, brat.' Levi interrupted whatever word he wanted to say, causing Eren to look at Levi, who instead pointed at the soldiers in front of them.

'Those brats you see joined because they see a brighter future, and in their eyes, maybe you are that bright future. I myself don't know that truth yet, brat. Whether you are a bright future or a new hell, those soldiers are old enough to realize what they are getting into, their joining the Survey Corps means they might die. Hell, some of them might die in the first expedition. You don't know the future, no one does. The only thing we can do is make the decisions and make sure their deaths weren't for naught, so as long as you keep making sure the hearts they gave weren't for nothing, then their sacrifices weren't for nothing.' Captain Levi had told him.

After Jean and Floch explained everything to Eren, it was Eren's turn to explain some of the truth about the outside world and a little about how his power works. Now, Sasha seemed completely lost and confused, as did Connie and a few other cadets. Many of them had known Reiner; hell, everyone in the Training Corps had known him, and despite knowing for a week now, many of them were still trying to comprehend everything.

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