The Royal Titan

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Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

The following 11 chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 27 (The Attack Titan Vs Levi), Chapter 28 (Historia's Love), Chapter 29 (Titan Serum), Chapter 30 (Levi's Titan), Chapter 31 (An Ackerman Titan), Chapter 32 (Annie's Loyalty), Chapter 33 (Graduation), Chapter 34 (The Breach of Trost), Chapter 35 (The Counter Attack), Chapter 36 (The Battle of Trost), and Chapter 37 (The Past, The Present, and The Future) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

As Eren returned from his little encounter with Annie, he could feel his heart beating faster with each step. Mikasa had left an empty spot for him at the table, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight of her thoughtful gesture. As he sat down and surveyed the scene before him, he noticed a bowl of soup and a piece of bread waiting for him, a humble but welcome meal after the rigors of his day. He took a tentative sip of the soup, savoring the rich flavor and the warmth that spread through his body. It was good enough, but nothing to write home about.

"Where were you, Eren? We searched around for you for an hour?" It was then that Eren noticed Sasha, who was sitting near their table and coughing lightly, indicating she had been waiting for him as well. However, what caught his attention the most was Annie, who was sitting in her usual spot and appeared to be uninterested in their conversation. Despite this, Eren couldn't help but wonder if she was hiding her curiosity behind her impassive expression.

"Ahhh. I - I was exploring," Eren stammered in response to his friends' inquisitive stares. His nervous chuckle betrayed his unease as he rubbed the back of his head, the heat rising in his cheeks. Ymir's devilish smirk only confirmed what Eren already knew - his friends didn't believe him. Oh No, Eren thought, gulping. He knew his freckles friend was more observant than he gave her credit for.

"Ohh, exploring-" she muttered to herself, her words trailing off as she stood up from her seat. She walked over to Eren, who was sitting nearby, and sat down beside him, her arm going around his neck and pulling him closer to her. Eren pleaded at Mikasa with his eyes for her to save him, but she seemed unfazed by his distress, perfectly content with his fate. She turned to talk with Historia.

Ymir cleared her throat as she leaned closer to Eren, causing his cheeks to flush with warmth and anticipation. With a determined glint in her eyes, she spoke in a commanding yet melodramatic tone, "Pray to tell me, Eren, who was the damsel that had the audacity to steal you away from my grasp? I yearn to know her name so that I may teach her a lesson and ensure that she never again lays her claws on you." As she uttered those words, Ymir's presence drew the attention of many who were within earshot, eliciting chuckles and whispers of admiration for her bold and theatrical display of possessiveness.

"Ymir stop this; you're going overboard with this," Eren said, trying to free himself, but Ymir kept a strong grip around him.

"Nah, nah, you aren't going anywhere without telling me everything. Who was it?" Ymir demanded, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized him. "Was it Sasha? Everyone in here knows the potato girl wants to eat you, and I can't really blame her." She gave the potato girl in question a side glance, causing the village girl to blush with embarrassment. Eren let out an exasperated sigh, wishing that he could just disappear into thin air. Ymir was relentless, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to escape without giving her some kind of answer. He glanced around the room, hoping for some kind of distraction, but everyone else seemed to be engrossed in their own conversations.

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