The Counter Attack

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"Sasha, get Samuel out of here, everyone. The Colossal Titan is right here, don't let him get away. We kill him right here." Eren ordered everyone, the others looked at him, frightened at the thought of fighting the Colossal Titan, but Eren didn't bother to wait.

Eren activated his ODM Gear with swift and agile movements, using the grappling hooks to latch onto the city's walls. As he ascended, he felt the thrill of the wind in his hair and the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Finally, he reached the top of the wall, drawing his gleaming swords as his feet touched the solid surface. Before him loomed the massive form of the Colossal Titan.

Eren looked up at Colossal's Titan face with fury. His emerald green eyes glittered like precious gems in the sunlight, emanating a fierce determination and unyielding power that seemed to pulse through his veins. His gaze never faltered as he spoke in a low, rumbling voice, "Hey, it's been five years."

As the colossal titan gazed back at Eren with its piercing, soulless eyes, the air was thick with tension and fear. Eren knew he had to act fast before the titan's massive arm came crashing down on him, so he made a split-second decision to leap off the towering wall just as the colossal titan swung its arm with a deafening roar. With an earth-shattering impact, the titan's colossal arm obliterated the round of cannons that had been mounted on top of the wall, sending debris and smoke flying in all directions.

Eren's eyes were blazing with fury as he glared at the colossal titan, gritting his teeth and muttering under his breath. "That Bastard," he growled, his voice low and menacing. He could feel the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he watched the cannons fall one by one, each one crashing to the ground below with a deafening thud. Its massive arm swung with tremendous force, sending the cannons plummeting one by one to the ground below. The deafening roar of the explosive impact echoed throughout the city, causing the ground to shake beneath the feet of the onlookers. Eren knew he had to act fast if he wanted to stop the shifter.

Without a moment's hesitation, Eren deftly activated his ODM Gear, firing his grappling hook with lightning-fast precision, which latched onto the Titan's massive arm, the sharp metal claws embedding themselves firmly into the flesh of his target. With a burst of gas, his ODM Gear propelled him forward, and he landed with a thud on the Titan's arm.

As Eren charged forward toward the shoulder of the Colossal Titan, his heart pounded with a mixture of fury and determination. The heat radiating from the massive creature's body was intense, even though it wasn't using its steam as it had before. Eren gritted his teeth and pushed himself harder, his muscles straining as he ran toward the titan's shoulder. He knew this was his chance to strike, to finally take down the monster that had caused so much destruction and pain.

As Eren's intense green eyes locked onto the glowing orbs of the Colossal Titan, he felt a shiver run down his spine, as if he had encountered those same eyes before. However, Eren didn't have the luxury of dwelling on this thought as the massive behemoth swung its gargantuan right arm in an attempt to snatch him up like a helpless insect.

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