Survey Corps

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The following FIVE chapters are available for Patrons.

Chapter 6 (Semi-Titan Shifter), Chapter 7 (Abnormal Shifter), Chapter 8 (Training Corps), Chapter 9 (The Jaw Titan), and Chapter 10 (Annie, A Cold Girl) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

"Why exactly are we doing this again?" Oluo asked with annoyance in his tone; the others grunted when he asked the same question, Again. Levi simply clicked his tongue in annoyance, but he couldn't really blame him this time.

Hange was the one who heard the rumors and wanted to see if they were true or not, her team was more than capable if there was anything true to these rumors, but Levi highly doubted these rumors were true, but still, he knew compared to Hange, perhaps he didn't know as much about the Titans. But one thing he really didn't understand was why were he and his team with them.

They were an elite squad of Survey Corps on their way to see if the rumors of the Titans inside Wall Rose were true, accompanied by the Hange Squad; unlike them, they looked more eager and looking forward; perhaps Hange's infection had finally caught up to them, not that Levi blamed them, she was known to squeal like a pig whenever there was anything remotely 'interesting' about a Titan. Having someone like her around could be a tremendous pain in the ass.

"We already told you for the hundredth time now that we are going to check the Forest for anything unusual," Petra replied, giving her teammate an annoyed glance before looking forward. Her hands held the reins of her horse.

Levi was in the front of his squad; all of them were on horseback. It was the middle of the night, and while that usually wasn't a problem for them, the full moon was just three nights ago; without moonlight, they could hardly see anything; thankfully, they had lanterns and torches to see their way around.

An hour ago, Oluo asked why there were doing this inspection at night, they could as well do this during the day if not better, but Petra quickly reminded him that Commander Erwin wanted this to be a secret, not mentioning the presence of Survey Corps in the middle of the day, could cause people to think there was another breach. All this was done simply because of rumors.

The rumors first started a month ago; according to Hange, apparently, some people had reported strange yellow lightning in the middle of the night; while that could be just nature being more freaky than usual, some other people reported seeing Titans far away.

Hange being Hange had taken these words as words of God, immediately believing them, going around and basically interrogating people for the slightest bit of information. While looking at everything, Hange hadn't found much; all people told her could easily be misinterpreted as their eyes playing tricks during the night, nothing that serious, but still, she desperately wanted to see if there was anything true to this rumor and the presence of Levi Squad made things much easier, they could cover more ground, and not mentioning Levi was the best soldier for a reason after all.

"The night is still young, but we don't have time to waste," Levi suddenly spoke with authority, his voice firm and his eyes sharp enough to cut steel. Hange felt a tingle on her stomach every time he talked like that but decided to ignore it for now.

Everyone turned to look at Humanity's strongest soldier; almost everyone could hardly keep eye contact with him when he was in full captain mode, except Hange, who simply smiled, her hands holding the reins a little tighter.

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