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Chapter One

I puked.

"Lady Helena!" They ran to me.

No. This can't be! This is a dream, totally dream! I didn't get murdered, I DIDN'T reincarnate as the bitch in the novel! I'm home sleeping!

I pushed the maids away from me.

"Get away me" I took a step back from them "this can't be!" My hair fell into my hands, the silver hair that I recognize. Long, straight, and soft.

I ran out of the room, maids were startled when I ran pass them.

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, So Hyun! This isn't real! This is all just a nightmare!

I crashed into someone, I fell back.

"Huh? Helena, what're you doing up? You're suppose to be resting?" I looked up at the grown man, Leonardo De Lavigne, Helena's dad, my eyes widened, I scooted away afraid.

"You're a dream! You're a dream!" I kept repeating and closed my and covered my head with my hands. "Helena, daughter, what is wrong!?" He kneeled down trying to comfort me, I shoved him away. The maids and butlers were in disbelief.

"You are NOT my dad! My dad is Kim Min Jun!" I yelled "who is this Kim Min Jun that you are speaking of, Helena!?" He was questioning. I was hyperventilating "Helena, calm down, please" he grabbed my shoulders generally, I looked at him slowly.

Why is he comforting Helena? He doesn't even care for her. She's his least favorite child, scratch that, she isn't even a favorite. She was just a mere less accident to the family.

"You!" He pointed at a random maid "get her bath ready!" My now new supposed dad demanded, "yes, my Duke!" He picked me up wedding style.

Just stayed quiet, So Hyun.

"Bathe her, do whatever for her to calm down!" The Duke demanded and walked out of the room, the maids tried undressing me, I slapped their hands away. "Don't touch me" "I am not a baby, I can undress myself" I walked to the bathroom, and saw a bath that was ready for me.

I undressed myself and dipped myself into the warm, nice scented water. The maids walked in.

"What is wrong with you!?" I threw a shampoo bottle at them "ever heard of knocking!? Or to not come in when someone is occupied!?" I screamed at them annoyed. "My Lady, you always demanded us to help you wash" the maid replied.

Of course Helena would have them do that for her. Well I'm not Helena!

"Well, from now on, don't! Get out!" I demanded they scurried away out of the bathroom. I sat there, I pulled my legs against me, I sighed.

What did I do to deserve this?

I washed myself. I got out of the bath and put on a white robe that said "Helena" on front upper right of my shoulder. I walked out of the bathroom, the maids were all standing there quietly.

"Were you all just standing there?" I asked "yes, my lady" they all replied synced, I was creeped out. "Lady Helena, we have picked the best dressed that you haven't wore this all year" "for?" I asked "for...? For the party tonight, the welcoming back of the Crown Prince" I flinched.

I'm back in chapter 4!

Chapter 4, it's where Amina and Raphael first meet. But Helena is all over him, but he ends up escaping her, and finds Amina in the garden and that's when Raphael starts running into her more.

What chapter was it? Chapter 11 I think! When they announce Helena and Crown Prince's engagement.

I sighed.

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