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A/N: alright! I'm ready to go! I have some what ideas, again please be free to suggest any ideas! ^.^ sorry for the long wait! But here's an update! Hope you enjoy!! 🩵🌸

Chapter Sixty One

"Knights!?" I walked angrily in the hall "my lady," Amina walked up to me but noticed my angry expression. "W-what's wrong, my lady?" She asked worriedly.

"Amina, am I bad person?" "B-bad? No, of course not!" "Am I trustworthy?" "Yes, and reliable!" She nodded desperately. "Then how come your highness wants to guard me even more!?" I crossed my arms.

"Maybe for your protection?" She replied unsure I looked at her with a look of don't think so. "I'm sure it's nothing bad, my lady. He's your husband and—" I cut her off. I sighed, "Amina, I know he's my husband. But it's obvious he doesn't 100 percent trust me!" I complained.

"Why don't you think so?" "I've done him wrong, and the whole empire wrong multiple times in the past" "you've changed and grown though. And I'm definitely sure your highness noticed" I rolled my eyes. "Yet I need more guards?"

Amina sighed, "my lady, please don't over think the actions of your highness. He's probably doing this for your own good since monsters have been getting over the walls and gates" I thought about it. "Nope!" I walked away and Amina followed me.

The next day I woke up, "ahhh~, that was a good sleep— ahh!!" I screamed, Amina ran in "what's wrong!?" "Why are there knights in my bedroom while I was sleeping!?" I was standing on my bed holding my pillow.

Amina sighed from relief. "Please get down my lady. You'll hurt yourself" Amina helped me down and I stood close to her, "they weren't watching you like creeps my lady. They're just guarding you just something comes into your bedroom" I scoffed.

"Can't they do that outside of my bedroom doors!?" "Get out!" I yelled at them "sorry, lady Helena. The crown Prince expect that you'd react like this so he demanded to not follow any orders from you" I flinched.

Be for real!!

I looked at them disgusted, "get our so I can change!" I screamed at them, they looked at each other and didn't move. "Do you know what punishment I'll give you! Or what the empire will give you for looking at a royalty's body!?"

"I'll slit your throat" I glared at them "no need for such vulgar words, my lady" Amina said nervously trying to calm me down. "Please get out, I'll be here with the lady" they looked at each other once again and left the room.

"What kind of fucking—" "please, my lady. Stay classy."

Classy my ass.

"Let's help you get dressed," I nodded and had some maids come in to help me get dressed for the day. I went down stairs to eat breakfast, "where's my husband, I'd like to speak to him?" I asked a maid "he's out doing errands with sir William for the empire, my lady."

Damn it, it'll be hard to reach him.

I ate my food quietly. I got up and walked around the house, I had knights following me around. It made me feel very uncomfortable.

I went outside the garden and they were still behind me. "Don't you guys have anything better to do? Like families? A kid's birthday?" "No, lady Helena. We're instructed to watch you 24/7" they replied, I sighed.

"What do you get out of this anyways? More gold? More goods? What?" I sat down on a bench and crossed my legs and arms. "A safe future empress" I scoffed.

"C'mon. I know you guys don't like me, hate me in fact. And know if anything attacks me, you'll "try"" I didn't quotes with my fingers. The knights looked uncomfortable to answer.

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