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Chapter Sixty Two

I sat in my room quietly, biting on my finger nails.

Connection to the monsters? That's crazy, absurd!

I wonder who else knows about this..?

I already look bad enough. If the empire ever knows about this, they'll think I hid it and attract the monsters on purpose for my games.

I groaned.

If anyone knows what this means... it's Coral the Wizard of Rarukya.

I got up and went to Raphael's room. I knocked on it, the door opened. "Helena, it's late. What're you doing here?" "I can't stop thinking what you told me, your highness. I'm worried" my eyes saddened.

"We'll figure things out another day, Helena. For now—" I cut him off "I can't, your highness. The whole empire will think I'm doing this for fun like before" he realized this was actually going to be harder for me than anyone else.

"What do you want to do then?" "We need to go see the wizard of Rarukya" Raphael sighed. "Go put a coat on, let me get dressed" I nodded and went back to my room.

He got dressed and I put a coat and some slippers on and we went to the tower.

"You really think this crazy bastard has answers?" "He's a wizard for a reason, your highness" "never expected myself to come here and seek for answers" I rolled my eyes.

We went up the stairs, as before I got tired to the point Raphael had to give me s piggy back ride to finish the stairs.

"Coral!" I searched him "I thought he would be here" "he has a life, Helena. Besides it's like 2-3 in the morning, he—" "what do you want?" Raphael jumped. Coral appeared out of no where from behind.

Raphael couldn't believe he jumped from that but then agreed that it was just his sleepiness.

"I need your help" I said desperately "with?" He looked at Raphael, "oh no..." "don't tell me your having making babies problem" I flinched. "Like I've told people before, I can't help with that. Just keep trying" I became red. Raphael wasn't fazed since he was tired.

"It's not that! I'm connected to the monsters!" Coral flinched and looked at me "you're what...?" "I'm—I'm connected to them" "are you telling me you're bringing the empire in danger?"

"I might be tired, wizard. But doesn't mean I won't kill you if you insult my wife. I'll kill you in my sleep" Raphael glared at him, Coral flinched. "I have a phenomenon that attracts them. It's not like I control them. I came to you, hoping I can find anything about this."

"Yes, yes. I've heard of this before" Coral looked through his book shelf and immediately pulled a book out, he scanned through the pages. "Yes, it all sums up now" "what, what is it?" I asked eager.

"Every 3,000 years. The universe chooses someone, a mad queen or king... to be the darkness of the world" "I'm sorry, I don't understand?" "You. Lady Helena, since birth, you were a little devil, causing trouble. I should've known it was you."

"Me what, please explain?" "You're chose to be the mad queen" I flinched.

A mad queen??

"Mad queen? What... what is that?" "Your family has never told you about it?" I nodded no "the mad queen... is talked about being cruel, savage, blood thirsty, someone who starts wars for games." "They have a scent that attracts monsters; they're not trying to kill you, your highnesses. They're trying to take you, to become their next queen. Their new ruler."

My eyes widened, I looked at Raphael. He wasn't fazed as always, but he was fully awake and was listening. Coral went closer to me, "your highness, what the doctor has told you, is true. She does hold a scent. But that's just the beginning."

"This scent is just a scent, giving them knowledge that you're their future ruler. The second step, is to take you."

I became frightened.

"What're you implying?" "I'm implying that she's gonna get us all killed. You're going to get control of this and tear the empire apart!" "But I can't control them—" "yet!" Raphael pinned Coral down.

"R-Raphael!" "I told you, I'd kill you if you were to insult her again!" "Defending a killer..." he chocked out. I pulled Raphael off of him, "stop! Let's just go!" I pulled Raphael away.

"So what he pretty much said is that I'm some freak queen and I'm going to start wars." "They were mad, crazy. You're not Helena. You're fine, you're not going to cause any wars. Let's just head back" my eyes saddened. "Hey, it'll be okay. I got you" I blushed softly.

"Will I really be? What if I do go coocoo? "You're not, I promise. I won't let you" and we went back home.

We came to my room, "sleep well, I—" I stopped him "please. I know this doesn't sound much like me, but don't go" I looked at him with begging eyes. He flinched.


"I kinda don't wanna be alone after hearing what the wizard said... I'm scared. What if I go bad over night?" "this once, please. Can you stay with me?"" I asked desperately, "alright."

I was hoping for him to agreed, but didn't expect him too.

He stepped into my room and closed the door. I took my coat off and hung it up, I slipped my shoes off and went in bed. He sat down on my chair that I always sit in.

I looked at him, "are you comfortable?" "Go to sleep, Helena" he disregarded my question "oh, a-alright" I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep

My dark red heels stepped on a skull and it cracked. "These pathetic people," I walked up the stairs, on the side were filled with skulls. Human skulls.

A goblin crawled to me, "aww, poor thing~" I petted him but then I smacked him. "Something so ugly like you, should never be near me" I walked up to my throne and sat on it.

I got up and went to my balcony after feeling like I wanna see the crumbled empire.

"Amina~!" Amina came out chained up and crawling to me "you look very skinny. Have you been eating?" I teased her "yes, my queen" "ever since I started a war. There's few people, so there should be more food to provide. So why do you look like shit?"

She didn't reply.

"I'm talking to you," I glared at her "s-sorry, my queen "never grateful!" "Helena De Lavgine!" He stormed in bloody, "my husband!" I smiled excited. Raphael dragged his sword, "those worthless monsters can't even stop one man. But who am I kidding, you're Raphael De Blanchet; the dark knight, a killing machine, a blood thirsty beast!"

I turned around, facing him. I was smiling at him. "My lovely husband!" I wrapped my arms around him, I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"Why don't you give in, babe? You, a human but kills like a beast, and I, the mad queen! We'd make a great duo!" Raphael grabbed my neck, "Raph, I told you I only like you being rough in bed~" I winked at him.

"You've gone crazy! You killed lives, destroyed multiple empires. When will it ever be enough for you!?" "Never..." I put out a dagger and stabbed his side; and started twisting it.

I gasped for air, I immediately sat up.  I looked around. Raphael was gone. "He must've left already" I sighed and lied back down.

I lifted my hand up and observed it.

I can never bring myself to kill him, even if I did go mad.

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