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Chapter Seventy Five


"Her majesty has gone mad!" Amina said to William "I know, Amina" William sighed "if it continues like this, this whole empire will die" there was a growl and it attacked Amina from a window.

"Amina!" Amina tried pushing it off of her, William stabbed it and threw it off of her. He helped Amina up, "thank you" Amina smiled softly at him.

"It's so chaotic out there.." Amina added looking outside from the window the creature came in from. William walked up behind her, "Amina I don't think Raphael is dead" Amina flinched and turned around immediately.

"What type of non sense is that!? Emperor Da—" "he said that... but come on. The letter stated he pushed Raphael off a cliff after one stab" William hinted. "We're talking about the South's strongest knight... you think one stab and being pushed off will stop him?" Amina bit her lip.

"Do you really think his majesty is still alive?" William nodded firmly.

You were dragging a knight that they captured from Kratha. "P-plesse... no" he begged "shut the hell up" you demanded and you threw him front of your new brand pet, Mushu. Like from Mulan.

Mushu's eyes opened big, he was whimpering and tried escaping, but Mushu grabbed him by his mouth and chewed him up, blood dropped from his mouth.

"Good boy," "your majesty..." you turned around facing a noble. "Ah, Duke Alan" you smiled "I've been speaking to the other nobles about—" he was cut off. "Without me?" He cleared his throat "let's discuss this over tea" Duke Alan suggested "alright" you walked ahead.

Mushu huffed and smoke came out of his nostrils, it freaked Duke Alan out. He chased after you.

"The dragon—" "Mushu. His name is Mushu" you drank your te "right, Mushu.  He's powerful, very powerful" "I'm aware. Don't waste my time telling me things I already know.." you sent chills down his spine.

"Apologies your majesty. Since you can control these monsters, especially Mushu. We think we can attack the Kratha empire" you smiled. "Continue," he caught your attention.

"If we send these monsters to Kratha, we won't only have the knights but them. Together, it'll be powerful and you'll succeed your goal" you leaned back to your chair and crossed your legs.

"I like the sound of that" you got up. "Get me armor" "sorry—" "I'm going to Kratha" you glanced at him and walked away.

Going to Kratha..!?

Amina and William were walking in the halls, a knight ran to them. "Sir William, her majesty has been looking for you, as well you Amina" he told them. They rapidly went to you.

"Your majesty!" They walked in "ah, what took you guys so long?" You walked closer to them "duties," "mhm" "either way, sir William" "yes?"

"I'm heading to Kratha" "I'm sorry!?" He was shocked "my lady, it's crazy and bloody there, you cannot—" you grabbed her face. "I cannot what!? I cannot what, Amina!?" She was shaking.

"I can and I will!" You shoved her and William caught her "not only will I rule the south, I'll rule the west, then the north and then east" "and you know what's the best part...?"

"No one can stop me."

Amina's eyes saddened, "apologies your majesty." "Get me the finest armor out there" you demanded "yes your majesty" "and you, I want you to be with me all times for all my needs and wants" Amina nodded "as always, your majesty."

The maids helped you put your hair up and put you into you armor.

"Are you confortables, your majesty?" "What do you think? I'm wearing pounds of metal" you said, Amina stayed quiet after. There was a knock, your heart skipped a beat "enter" you smiled softly.


It was William.

Oh.. forgot. Raphael's gone.

"Are you sure it's best to go to the fields your majesty?" "Who said I'm going through the field? I have Mushu" you smiled mischievously. "Is it safe to fly him, your majesty?" You snatched your arm away from the maids.

"I'm sure. Get out" you demanded to the maids, William checked your armor to see if it was secured. "Seems alright, your majesty" you walked out of the main palace.

William got on a horse. "Ah..." Amina was hesitant "I don't have all day, Amina!" You yelled at her "I... is Mushu fine with it?" "He's fine with whatever I'm fine with! Get. On!"

"It'll be alright, Amina" William said "I'm watching," Amina nodded and tried getting up but almost fell, you grabbed her. You glared at her, she looked away out of embarrassment.

You pulled her up and she sat behind you. "Don't get shot by the arrows" you demanded "I-I'll try."

"Mushu. Up" Mushu started flapping his huge wings, it caused some wind. Your hair was flowing, Amina was scared and held onto you tightly, William followed you from underneath. A few knights came along. And you caught some monsters attention to follow you.

"M-my lady... we're very up high" "of course we are, Amina" you rolled your eyes.

You saw the village of Kratha, "burn it" you whispered to Mushu. He sped fire to the village, their eyes widened.

"My lady... you've just injured innocent people!!" "And so what, they praise a horrible ruler."

You watched the knights fight for their empire, you smiled. "Look how stupid they look Amina" Amina looked down "y-yes, your majesty..."

"You go on! I'll stay and fight! Hiya!" William yelled and turned his horse around. "Huh, where's that William going?" You asked Amina "maybe to fight" Amina knew where he was going. To find Raphael.

You ignored it and put your attention elsewhere.

"Down Mushu!" You pointed down at the empire, he turned downward and went full speed, Amina grabbed on you really tight and screamed. You destroyed the roof top.

"The hell!?!?" Emperor Davinch got up from his throne. "Land there, Mushu" you pointed at the ground, he flew down and landed, you slid off Mushu and Amina fell off of him.

"You..!" The emperor firmly walked towards you "your majesty..!" "Who the hell are you!?" You shoved a sword in his face, he flinched he noticed you're red eyes.

He smirked, "Helena De Lavgine" "Blanchet. De fucking Blanchet!" You yelled at him "you must be the emperor's wife... well use to, since now he's—" you swung the sword at him, he dodged it and smacked you.

"Leave her alone!" Amina attacked him "Amina!" You yelled and got up "you bitch!" He shoved her off of him. And grabbed the sword he was gonna stab her "Mushu, fire!" Mushu shot out fire, he ducked.

"A fire dragon...?" "The fire dragon!" You kicked him in his head, you grabbed him "you killed my husband! You killed Raphael!" You shouted in his face, he smiled at you.

"And I'd do it again" you bit your lip and you smashed his head against the ground. He started laughing insane, you dragged his body inside. Amina grabbed the sword and followed you.

Davinch tripped you and got on top of you. "No wonder Raphael was in love with you! You're gorgeous!!" He started unbuckling his pants "get off of her!" Amina shoved him off.

"The hell!!" You snatched the sword and cut his dick off. "AGHH!!!" He held it, he looked up to you and you pierced the sword into his head, Amina gasped.

You had tears going down, "fuck you..." you twisted the sword around and you let his body drop. You walked up the small stairs and sat in his throne, having his body sit in front of you.

Amina almost threw up but sucked it up. She stood beside you.

You wiped your tears away.

And nothing has changed. Everything was still the same. The feelings were still there.

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