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Chapter Eight

A few days passed, I was picking flower in the garden. Two knights came up to me, "Lady Helena, the Duke calls."

Wonder what he wants?

They've escorted me to the Duke's office. I knocked, "come in," I walked into the office, he was sitting on the couch drinking tea.

"You called for me, father" I walked over to him "yes, sit" I sat in front of him, "Helena, what is your ideal man?" I flinched "m-my ideal man??" I questioned "yes, what type of man are you—" I cut him off.

"I know what an ideal man is, father!" I cleared my throat "well then?" Father poured me a cup of tea and handed it to me. I was speechless.

Oh god.. uh uh uh!! Calm down, So Hyun. You need to think about this carefully, you may be able to avoid the marriage with Raphael.

I gulped, "well, father, why are you asking such a question?" "You're 19, Helena. You'll soon be 20, and there's still no children" I scoffed. "You have two other children to get children from" "and they have a life. You don't."


"So, ideal man. Your mother and I do want you to get married soon" I sighed, and smiled.

"I want my future husband to be caring and loving towards me!"

Opposite of Raphael.

"I see, any man would be caring and loving towards."

Yeah, cause they think I'll kill them if they aren't.

"Will that be all, father?" "Yes, you can go back now" I got up and left his office. I gulped, "let's hope that worked" I whispered, and went back to my room.

𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒟𝓊𝓀𝑒'𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱...

I packed some files, "let my family know I'll be going to see the emperor" the Duke left to the main empire palace to see the emperor.

"Leo!" "Your majesty!" They smiled at one another, and gave each other a big hug, "I haven't seen you since two weeks ago. What brings you here? Come, sit" they sat together.

"Your majesty, your son, the Crown Prince, will soon be emperor" the emperor sighed "yes, but he's being stubborn and not following his duties. Skipping training, and his studies just to go train by himself. And he doesn't want to go find an empress."

"I think I have a solution to the both of our problems" the emperor was shocked.

𝐻𝑒𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒶'𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱...

I finally finished making a bouquet while Amina was putting some of my new arrived dresses away, "so the Duke was asking for your ideal man?" "Mhm," I nodded, I grabbed the bouquet.

"How does it look?" Amina gasped "splendid, my lady! I'll go get a vase!" Amina left my room, I smiled.

Even if I do get married to some rando. It'll be fine, I'll watch until Amina and Raphael gets married, and then runaway to leave a independent life.

I sighed, and picked at the flowers.

I miss my family. I wished I was able to find a way to get back home.

Amina came back with a lavender colored vase, we put the flowers in and put the vase in a beautiful spot to get hit by the sun.

"You did amazing, lady Helena" we smiled at each other. A few more days passed, and nothing seemed to happen.

One day, Amina seemed too quiet but she didn't tell me when I would ask her. She dressed me into a big, elegant, red and black dress, she styles my hair and put jewelry on me.

"Don't you think this dress is a little too big and heavy for me today?" I asked her "it's necessary today, my lady" she replied softly.

Something is off.

Toe knights walked in, "is the princess ready?" Amina put my heels on and stood up, "yes," Amina helped me up from my chair. "Ready? Ready for what, Amina?" I looked at her, she didn't say a word. We both were escorted down the hall into a room.

Both the knights opened tow large doors for us, we both walked in together. I flinched, my mother, father, the emperors, and Raphael were sitting there.

I hesitated but when Amina started walking so did I. I sat between my parents and Amina stood behind me.

"You look beautiful, lady Helena" the emperor smiled "thank you," I awkwardly smiled. I glanced at Raphael, he glared at me. I flinched.

"Helena, we're gathered here today because not only did I, but the emperor chose you to be the future empress of Rarukya" my eyes slowly widened.

Everything went quiet but I saw mouths moving. "Helena!" I snapped out of it when my mother yelled at me, "did you hear what your father and the emperor are saying?" She glared at me.

"I-I," I stuttered "I'm only 19, being empress. It's too much for my age," "you don't be alone, Lady Helena. And we know, you've always wanted this since you're in love with my son" I flinched "no, this is an misunderstanding! I'm not in love with your son, I-I've—" mother kicked me underneath.

"Please, don't lie to yourself. We've seen, Raphael and you have a lot of chemistry. Just weeks ago, a maid saw him drop you off and you hugged him" the emperor chuckled.

No, this is an all a misunderstanding!

I looked at Raphael once again, he avoided eye contact. He's mad at me.

"You and Raphael will be married, and become the emperor and empress of Rarukya" the emperor decided. And with that the meeting ended, Raphael lest first and I immediately ran after him.

"Your highness! Your highness!" "Raphael!" I grabbed him, he snatched his arm away "I TRUSTED you!" Raphael yelled in my face "you said you weren't in love with me, you antes a chance, I gave it to you! And you had a chance to prove I was wrong!"

"For once, I actually thought I was able to choose something for myself! That wasn't chosen by my father!" My eyes saddened "it was all your master plan from the beginning, huh!?" He shouted, the maids tried ignoring us and kept walking.

"It's all a misunderstanding, Raphael! I promise! I never wanted this! I wanted you and Amina to be happy—" Raphael grabbed me my dress colar and pulled me closer. I was breathing heavily, I feared him.

"I'll never love you, Helena."

He shoved me into the ground, "lady Helena!" Amina ran to me, I was in shock, Raphael left the Lavigne household.

There's goes my chance on living.

I shut Amina out, I shut everyone out. I sat in my dark quiet room, I fell to my knees and started sobbing.

I tried... I tried! I fucking tried!

I took my heels off and threw them, my makeup was getting ruined.

"I fucking tried, Jesus Christ! It was all going so good! I thought I had it! I thought I had it!" I got up and started throwing everything and destroying my room.

"The lady is having a tantrum, my Duke" "let her. She's just an object, she'll put up with it."

"I heard she's go crazy because the Crown Prince said he'll never love her."

I stood in a destroyed, ruined room. I was breathing heavily.

I just wanna go home...

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