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Chapter Forty Six

I laughed while running with Eustace.

"I can't believe I finally was able to get my questions answered!" I smiled at him "that's awesome, lady Helena! Where to next!?" He asked me.

... where to next...? Should I accept Eustace's offer?

I smiled at him. "I accept your offer, Eustace" I answered "w-what offer?" He asked me "I'll stay with you! I'll go on adventures with you!" Eustace smiled big.

"I'm glad to hear that!" We smiled and laughed while running to the door. "Do you think the guards woken up?!" I asked, we got to the doors.

"Nah, if they did. They would've alerted more guards and come after us" Eustace explained, I nodded. I reached for the door handles but they bursted open, I fell to the ground. Eustace was in shock to catch me.

The hell! Did they alert more guards!?

I looked at the person's shoes. Black, dirty boots, I slowly looked up, and every inch that revealed my eyes widened.

Those eyes...

Angry yet worried eyes..

"Found you."

"W-what're you doing here...?" My eyes became watery.

Has he came and journeyed just to kill me??

"Let go of me!" I heard Eustace's voice, two knights grabbed of him. "Let go of him!" I demanded, I got up and tried running to him but Raphael grabbed me and pulled to him.

I stared into his sharp eyes.

I remember those eyes.

I noticed his eyes. Dark under bags.

Has he even slept?

"Let go of me!" I shouted and tried shoving him away. I banged on his chest as hard as I can, Raphael grabbed my wrist, "enough, Helena!" It was quiet.

"Why can't you leave me alone!?" I shouted, it echoed through the place, he flinched. "Leave me alone! We both win! I run away to not be in your way and I live!" I screamed in his face, his grip tightened, I slightly winced.

"Let him go..." as my voice calmed down, my head fell. "Please let him go!" I begged and looked at him.

Does she love him this much?

Raphael looked at them, they let Eustace go. "Come on," Raphael pulled me away but I felt another hand grab me, it was Eustace "if she wants to go, she can. But let me remind you, your highness..."

"You don't demand anyone right now. You're not on Rarukya soil" Eustace glared at him, they both looked at me, I felt pressured.

"I'll go with you, but don't hurt him" I demanded to Raphael. "It's getting late" Raphael pulled me more, Eustace followed me from the side.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to me, I nodded.'"I don't blame you for running away" I laughed at his comment, Raphael overheard us, he turned around and I bumped into his chest.

"Your highness?" Raphael looked Eustace, Eustace started to sweat but kept eye contact. "Everything alright?" William asked coming up to us. Raphael out of nowhere pick me up.


The knights and Eustace faces dropped. I was flustered, "y-your highness!" I yelled at him "shut up, you're yelling in my ear" Raphael continued to walk while carrying me, I had my arms and legs wrapped around him.

Raphael carried me like that for awhile.

"Aren't you tired of carrying me?" I asked him, trying not to be loud to not hurt his ear. "Should stay off the late night snacks" I rolled my eyes.

The Villainess Proves Everyone WrongWhere stories live. Discover now