A SPY...

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Chapter Thirteen

It's been weeks after Raphael came back from war and since then he hasn't been present in the castle he was always out; like training, with the emperor discussing business and with others.

I sighed, writing a letter. "Who is that for, my lady?" "For my family," "have they still not come to visit you?" I nodded no, Amina felt bad. I put the letter together and handed it to her, "do you mind?" I smiled "of course not," she took it.

Amina was on her way, "huh, oh, your highness" she gave her curtesy "Amina," Raphael kept a cold look and looked at the envelope. "Taking it to the post office for lady Helena, for her family" Amina said.

"Ah did you come5o see lady Helena?" Amina asked "no. Forgot something in my room" Raphael replied "oh, then I'll be on my way then" Amina smiled and walked pass Raphael, Raphael went to his office.

Amina delivered the letter.

𝐼𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐿𝒶𝓋𝒾𝑔𝓃𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓊𝓈𝑒𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒹...

The Duke was reading the letter to his wife and George. "I dearly miss my family, I hope everything is fine over there and everyone is healthy as well. Please come and visit any time, I would like to do so but I've been caught up in some business. I wish to see my family again, it gets lonely here..." he crumbled the letter up.

"Helena has been acting suspicious ever since she woke up from her illness" The Duke said "I thought I was the only one" Christina said "what should we do, father? Helena is acting like she's superior than us all cause she married some stupid Prince."

"Watch your mouth, brat" the Duke got up "but indeed. We have to do something about this, Helena wishing to see us, she would've said she wanted bigger, prettier, expensive dresses" the Duke sighed.

"A spy. Let's put a spy on her" Christina said "that's an excellent idea, beloved" "Olivia!" A maid came.

She had brown hair which was in a bun, green eyes and freckles.

"Yes, my Duke?" "You're being sent to watch over Helena, anything she does, say, you report to me. Do you understand? And she shall not know" the Duke demanded "yes, my Duke" Olivia nodded agreeing.

I finally finished organizing my heels since I had nothing else to do.

"My lady," Amina's head popped in from behind the door "hi, Amina" I smiled "someone has arrived" Amina fully opened the door, Olivia stood there.

"Hi?" I raised an eyebrow "hello lady Helena. I came to watch you closely since your family are always too busy to come so they sent me so I know how your doing" Olivia smiled innocently,

Helena's cold, careless family sending a maid cause they're worried? Something is definitely up.

"Oh, is that so? How lovely my family is" I smiled brightly "I was put as head of the maids" Olivia mentioned "oh..?" Amina looked at me confused "I see. Do your best then, my father must've picked you for a reason" I smiled at her and went back to what I was doing.

Amina walked her out and showed her around. My face was serious and intimidating.

Something is going on.

It was my afternoon snack time, I waited in my room. "What is with you!? Go take these back!" I heard Amina yelling, I got up and walked out of my room. I saw Amina going against Olivia.

"Amina?" "M-my lady?" She stuttered, I looked to Olivia from Amina. "Care to explain to me what's going on, Olivia?" I asked "I wished to bring you these pastries! But Amina stopped me!"

"My lady, these pastries include nuts! Everyone knows you're allergic to nuts!" Amina looked at me, I looked at Olivia and then at the pastries.

"Did you check them, Amina?" "W-well no, but—" "then no need to throw a fit, my dear Amina" I grabbed the pastry "my lady!" I took a bite of the pastry, Olivia smirked.

I chewed on it, "oh my... oh my" I started coughing and started breathing heavily, my throat started swelling up.

What the hell!?

I fell on my knees, Olivia gasped dramatically "oh no! Someone help!" Amina tried helping me up, "go get help, Jen!" Amina demanded another maid.

Jen ran into Raphael, "your highness, your wife—" Raphael ran toward us. He picked me up, "Amina call the doctors" Raphael demanded "a-alright!" Amina ran off.

I woke up and sat up. My throat felt way better, and I didn't feel like I was suffocating.

"You're awake," Amina smiled and hugged me "I-I'm alright" I smiled, I noticed Raphael was leaning against the wall far away from us. "What're you doing eating nuts? You should always check just to make sure" Raphael said in a cold tone.

"It's my maid, your highness. I trust my maids enough. It was a mistake by Olivia, everyone does mistakes" Raphael was frozen.

She would've been throwing a tantrum by now wanting her dead.

"She almost killed you, my lady!" "Amina said "it's fine. I'm fine, I'm not dead, am I?" I smiled, Amina sighed "I suppose, my lady" "I shall go help with dinner" Amina left.

"Are you staying the night here?" I asked "no. I have to go back to the empire to deal with business. Stop being an attention seeker" Raphael glared at me once more and left.

All he does is know how to speak rudely and glare!

"My lady..." Olivia walked in "Olivia?" She threw herself to the ground "I am so, so sorry! I was reckless! Please forgive me! Please keep me by your side so I can learn!!" A mischievous smirk grew on my face.

I got up from my bed and walked towards her. I stood above her, I leaned in. Olivia looked at my face, "I forgive you" I smiled, I helped her up.

I knew it. A spy, I knew she had put nuts in those pastries, I just had to take the risk to see her next move.

"Please, go help Amina with diner" Olivia wiped her "tears" away. Olivia stood behind the door snickering.

"Such a naive Helena, like always."

I stood there in my room, smiling.

She can stay for now. But until the time comes, she'll get it for sure.

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