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Chapter Twenty One

I scooted away because the somewhat Wendigo. I was breathing heavily, "s-stay away from me" I slowly got up, it stared at me like I was a chicken leg.


I started running but it pounced on me and I hurt my ankle. I winced, I felt it's hot breath against my neck, it turned me around and I looked at its hollow dark eyes.

I grabbed a rock and smashed it against its skull. I tried getting up but my twisted ankle pulled me back down.

I'll fucking crawl if I have to!

I tried crawling away but it grabbed me and pulled towards itself, I used my other leg and kicked its face, it shrieked. It crawled to me, I tried getting away.

Someone help me...

It jumped towards me, and in seconds I felt a huge embrace. I slowly opened my eyes, I was being carried in a wedding style way.

I'm alive...?

I looked at the man, his black hair was messy which made him look real good, his fair skin, and his cold silver eyes, his hands tightened on me. The moon shunned on him, my eyes widened.


He looked down at me, he glared at me. I looked away I knew he was going to be angry.

Raphael put me down gently in a safe place and stood in front of me.

The monster and Raphael ran at each other and fought like animals...

My eyes widened.

I seen Raphael save us at the orphanage... but... when Raphael fights, it's so.. terrifying. It's like there's nothing but thirst for blood behind those eyes.

The creature pinned him down, I flinched. It slapped his sword away from, it tried biting his head off but Raphael was pushing him away.

Damn it!

Raphael clenched his teeth tightly, sweating. I winced from my swollen ankle. I bit my lip.

This is all my fault, if I just listened to him.


Raphael looked at me with furiously look, I was on my four, I had tears coming down my eyes.

Raphael looked back at the monster, and shoved him off and grabbed his sword. Raphael impaled him through the head. Raphael was breathing heavily, he walked towards me.


He's definitely going to yell at me.

He fell on his knees and put his hands on my shoulders. My eyes widened, "you're okay..." "you idiot!" He yelled, my lips trembled.

"I'm so so sorry, Raphael!" I cried Raphael looked at me with a angry look, Raphael sighed and got up, he picked me up. "Let's go" I rested my head on his shoulder.

Raphael... are you really angry with me?

I looked at the corpse, it started evaporating in a black smoke. My eyes closed.

Raphael put me in my bed, I looked at him "I'll get a doctor straight away" I grabbed his arm "Raphael, I'm scared" my eyes saddened, Raphael sat down on the floor.

"Go to bed" he demanded, I smiled and snuggled into my bed and fell right to sleep.

"My lady," I woke up to a new day, I looked at my side to see Raphael but he wasn't there and looked at Amina, "how did you get your ankle swollen?" "I...? Do you not know?"

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