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Chapter Sixty Six


I yawned, I saw doves flying with each other outside the window. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I was alone in the bed.

Until I remembered last night and how things went down between us, I gasped.

What's wrong with me!? How can I be upset of losing my family and then go sleeping with the crown prince!

I got up.

You unholy child!

I peeped outside, and saw a nun walking by. "E-excuse me, do you mind bringing me clothes?" I smiled "ah yes!" She soon came back bringing me some clothes.

I pulled my hair up and walked out. "Ah, lady Helena" I flinched and turned around, Sir Logan "g-good morning, sir Logan" I smiled innocently.

"How was your night here? Hope you slept comfortably and well" "yes, yes! Have you seen your highness?" I asked "ah, your highness. Hmm, yes, this early morning he went to the empire" "thank you! Please excuse me" I smiled and excused myself.

I hurriedly went back home. I ran inside, and spotted Amina. "Amina," I smiled "my lady? You should be resting, you shouldn't be up" "I'm fine" I smiled.

"A-are you sure?" I nodded "when will your highness be back?" "Ah, later this evening. For some reason he came home early all soaking wet, but he himself was dry" I blushed.

I went back up to my room.

I confessed my feelings to Raphael, and he feels the same!! We had sex!!

I walked back and forth.

What're we..? We're married already, and we like each other, but doesn't mean we're official?

I looked at myself in the mirror, I groaned. "I guess I'm going to have to ask him myself. What a nuisance" I scratched my head.

The day has passed and Raphael hasn't been home. Amina walked in, I opened my mouth "no my lady. Your highness hasn't returned yet" I sighed from disappointment.

Each minute goes by I get anxious!

I lose my family, I had sex with the man who suppose to hate me and I'm confused about my relationship with him now.

So stressing!

"He's at the empire right?" "Yes, discussing matters with the emperor" I grabbed my coat. "I'll be heading over there" "my lady! You can't! What if you faint while—" I cut her off.

"Trust me, I won't" I looked at her determined "I have to speak about important matters with him" I walked out and headed to the main palace.

I walked around the empire.

"Excuse me have you seen my hus—" they ignored me "hi, hello. Have you seen my—" they walked off again. I clenched my fists, I walked around, the assistance and guards looked at me.

I tapped a knight's shoulder. "Hi, can you help me finding my husband?" I smiled "lady Helena? Ah, your highness iswith his majesty in the main room" he told me the direction. He wished he could've taken me but he can't leave his post.

There were two guards guarding big doors. "Hi, I'm trying to get to your highness" "they're busy in the moment, Lady Helena" they rejected me. "Ah, but it'll be real quick. So, let me through" I politely demanded.

They looked at each other and back at me, "no" I clenched my fists.

This day keeps getting worse and worse.

"The Kratha empire is getting more—"


William stopped talking, the three of them looked at the doors. "Please, stop!" They heard begging behind the doors, Raphael and William took out their swords and opened the door.

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