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Chapter Seventeen

Amina and I were getting dressed, I wore a red dress with black flats, and Maina braided my silver hair into a long braid. While she wore a purple light dress and kept her hair down and flowy.

Her father was outside sitting up and eating soup. Watching everyone enjoy their time, Amina and I stepped out. The men whistled and admired our beauty together.

Raphael was in the corner drinking, I walked up. "Not in a party mood?" I asked, Raphael took a gulp of his beer "not really" I stood next to him "you know, Amina is beautiful tonight. I mean she's always is but you know what I mean" I smirked at him.

"What's with you and my relationship with Amina? Are you planning to kill her if I admit something?"

Old Helena would but I wouldn't! I just wanna stand in the side lines and watch you fall in love!

I rolled my eyes, "I already told you, your highest. Fully over you" I smiled, Raphael stared at me "no one gets over me" I flinched "never expect to hear that from you!" I laughed "cocky Raphael," I teased.

"Why don't you go dance?" Raphael pushed me "yeah, alright!" I walked away from him. We were all enjoying our time together, at some point Raphael talked to some people and enjoyed his time as well.

But there we're still some whispers about me how I burned down houses, stories, anything, and killed people and their tamiles, and the crimes I've committed. How Helena is just putting an act just to get on the crown prince's good side to get power.

I was dancing with a few children, I was giggling with them. Someone bumped into me and I tripped over my dress, I bumped into someone spilling their drink on me. It went quiet.

I was on the ground wet, "lady Helena!" Amina ran to me, and it so happened to be with the people who were bad talking about me. Amina helped me up, Raphael handed her some napkins, she dried my face.

"Oh... oh my, I didn't mean to. We're sorry your highness" they looked away and smiled.

I cracked.

I grabbed them and made them look at me, "you did it on purpose!" I accused them, they flinched "on purpose? How can we do something to a Royalty?" They asked "I don't know. But you did it on purpose! You've been bad talking about me since I got here!" I glared at them.

"Amina, are you really going to let your lady talk to us this way!?" They yelled at Amina "erm, my lady... it was an accident. Nothing seemed like a—" I slowly looked at her with a evil look, Amina stepped back.

I shoved the other of them into the ground, "so you know what happens if you dare to bad talk about a royalty? Especially your future empress!" I stood over them looking down at them with a killing look.

"You and your family will be killed!"  I did had a gesture across my neck, I leaned towards them "you filthy rats!" I insulted them, everyone was quiet "you stink of poor! And your food is trash, my foot can make better food that that! You pigs, I'll have you dea—" "Helena!" Raphael grabbed my wrist and pulled me.

My face calmed down, I looked around. Everyone was quieta and grabbing onto each other, I looked at Amina, she didn't dare to look at me she was upset. I looked back at Raphael angry, he was grabbing my wrist tightly.

Raphael pulled me away, "what're you doing? Threatening, and yelling at them!" Raphael yelled, I was quiet.

My mouth was so vulgar... it didn't feel like me. I would've never risked it. Why did I react in that way?

"Helena!" I snapped out of it "every time I think you change, you ended up making me rethink it" my eyes saddened. "But they bad ta—" he cut me off "doesn't mean go and threaten them" Raphael'a light silver eyes pierced right through me.

Raphael apologized to Amina and her family, Amina's family didn't take it to heart and apologized on behalf of their bad welcoming towards me.

What was that? Those words automatically came out, I didn't even think, I just acted. I even looked at Amina like how the old Amina would look at her.

After three days spending time at the village, it was time to go back to the empire.

"Goodbye, please take care father" Amina kissed his cheek and boarded the carriage and we rode back to the empire.

"Amina," I spoke up "yes, my lady?" "That night" I brought up the accident "o-oh..." "I'm sorry for disrespecting you and your people. I shouldn't have done that" I added. "It's alright, my lady. You wouldn't lie to me for no reason, they must've been bad talking about you" Amina smiled.

"You put up with all the bad talking, and you must've cracked."

Yeah, cracked. I must've cracked that night since I've been trying so hard to get on peoples good side.

We finally cleared the misunderstanding but Raphael's words were still haunting me; "every time I think you change, you ended up making me rethink it."

I groaned.

I'm not even sure what chapter we're in. Rather heal and Amina end up opening their relationship to the empire around chapter 88-90, and Helena gets killed around chapter 98.

"Are you stressed, my lady?" Amina asked "huh, yes I am" I nodded "I'll make you some good hot tea when we get to the palace" I weakly smiled at her.

Get on Raphael and the empire's good side, get rid of the spy, expose the Lavigne cause if I don't they'll kill me also.

I groaned.

Sounds a little but it's actually a lot.

We finally got back home. Raphael walked in with Amina and I, "welcome back your highnesses" the maids and butlers greeted us, Amina walked to the kitchen, I looked at Raphael "I'll be in my room if you need anything" "iI can care less," he walked pass me. I rolled my eyes and went to my room and locked the door.

I sat on my bed and opened a book, I was writing down my things;

1. Get on Raphael's good side

2. Improve the Empire to show you've changed

3. Try to find more things about this reincarnation

4. Expose the Lavigne family

5. Survive the hands of Raphael

6. Use all the money I gained and move to the country side.

6b. Or find a way back home.

I closed my notebook and hid it.

I don't belong in this world, who knows what will happen if I die by Raphael. There can be a possibility to go back home from here, I could've survived that hobo's attack.

I sighed, and started a bath. I dipped myself in the tub, close my eyes. I felt relaxed, "mmm, feels good" I smiled to myself.

This feels nice.

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