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Chapter Thirty Three

𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒'𝓈 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂...

I was chatting with other with other kids. "Uh, your highness. That girl keeps looking at you" they pointed behind me, I turned around to look who it was.

She was short, she had long grey hair, must be longer than her. She had red striking eyes, her cheeks were tinted pink, she had a black dress on and heels.

It was Helena De Lavgine.

"Helena," "you know Helena De Lavgine?" They asked me "family friend's kid. We get along somewhat" I left the group of boys and went to Helena. "What're you doing here? Aren't you suppose to be in your classes?" I asked her.

"I missed you," she hugged me, I didn't react any type of way. "Helena, people will mistaken about us" Helena looked up at me with a cute face "so?" She snuggled her face into my chest.

"Won't I be your empress?" She smiled "I don't know. There are a lot of girls who want to be empress" Helena flinched and stepped back. "You won't marry them, though! You won't pick them!" She yelled at me.

"If I'm in love with them. So why would—" Helena pounced on me, pinning me on the group. "No you won't!" Helena cried "you love me, you'll choose me! I'm suppose to be your wife!" I cringed.

"Helena, get off of me!" I shoved her off of me. "You're being weird!" I patted the dirt off of me, I looked at Helena on the ground and I helped her up "don't you love me..?" Helena wrapped her arms me.

I looked at her with a cold look, "don't ask me silly questions, Helena" I removed her arms off of me. "Your highness!" We heard a girl's voice, she was waving at us "let's go! It's time for our play date" "date...?" Helena looked at me horrified.

"I have to go now, Helena. See you around" I walked away with the girl. Helena clenched her teeth and fists.

"I'll be right back, my father is calling me " I got up and walked out. The girl, Lily continued to play with her dolls "hey" Lily looked at the door way, she stood there holding scissors.

"What're you doing?" Lily gave her a questioning look.

"Ahh, get off of me! Let me go! Stop it!' Stop it!!" I heard the screaming and ran into my play date room, Helena was on top of her had a full of hair in her hand and a pair of scissors in the other, Lily's hair was cut off unevenly.

"Helena, what're you doing!?" I pushed her off of Lily and pulled Lily away from Helena. "You're mine, Raphaelie!" Helena screamed at us," you're being weird, Helena!" I yelled at her.

"W-weird? I'm in love with you that's all!" She smiled, we were all quiet. "Come on, Lily" I grabbed her hand and walked out of the place from Helena. Helena fell to the floor, "you're mine..."


"Is Helena in trouble, father?" I asked "Helena? Of course not, Raphael. All they did was have a little cat fight, she scratched Helena's poor face" "and she cut Lily's hair. Even" the emperor side eyed me. "Why doesn't Helena ever get in trouble? She always does this type of crazy things, and it annoys me."

"Raphael! She's your friend, and she's an important lady! She'll soon be important to you in the future as well! Respect her and her name!" I rolled my eyes and walked away from the table.


I grew up into a fit young man. I was training with William.

"Look who's here" William smiled and walked away, I turned around Helena walked up to me with a basket of treats. "What is this for?" "Am I not allowed to bring you a present?" She smiled "I'm training Helena. Drop them off inside and be on your way" I suggested.

"I want to be with you," she grabbed my arm, I icked and slowly pulled my arm away. "You can watch from a far" I tried walking but she grabbed me to hug me.

"H-Helena, don't!" I pushed her away, her eyes saddened. "Why don't you love me!" I groaned "we've been over this for years!" I yelled and stormed off. "I'll have this" William took away the basket away from her.


I ran through the woods and finally saw her.

"Helena!" She looked at me and smiled. I noticed bodies that were flowing in the river, my anger grew and I looked at her. "Now they won't bother you~" she blushed "what the fuck did you do!? You murdered innocent people, Helena!"

She flinched. "I did this for you! For us!" She grabbed my hand, I snatched my hands back "don't touch me! Every time you touch me I feel filthy!!" Helena stood there in silence and in shock.

"You murdered them for interacting with me? I went up to them! They didn't!" Helene bit her lip "I—" "don't pull the I just want you to love me shit! For the last time! I'll never love you! You're a nightmare!" I went into the water to get the bodies.

Helena stood there, in denial.

I started waking up slowly from the birds chirping. I sat up in my bed, and rubbed my head.

I hate having dreams about here.

I got up and maids helped me get dressed. I started walking down stairs, and I scented a delicious smell, I went to the kitchen to see what the maids were making. But instead I found her making breakfast.

"Helena?" She turned around with a pan, she smiled at me. "Good morning, your highness!"

Raphael walked closer to see what was in the pan, "what's that?" "Pancakes!" "P-pancakes? What's that?" "You're gonna love them! Go sit, it's almost ready" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Goo!" I walked away.

She acts like she's a whole different person. I don't recognize her anymore.

Helena served me pancakes and se down with her own plate. "Try it!" I looked at her face she was excited.

Let's hope it doesn't contain any poison or spell.

I took a bite of the pancakes, it warmed my inside. But I kept my face calm, "is it not good?" She spoke up "mm, they taste fine" I replied. Helena smiled "I'm glad you like them!" and started eating.

"Since when did you learn how to fool?" Helena shrugged "cook book. Why do you think I'm always reading?" Helena smiled brightly.

Is she really the same Helena De Lavgine?

I admired Helena while she ate. I light smiled.


Did I just see him smile?  Or am I seeing things??

Eh whatever! These pancakes are so good!

Raphael was in his office.

Helena De Lavgine use to be some spoiled, bratty girl. Now she's the whole opposite..

She was the whole definition of evil. She was my nightmare, creeping up. But now, she doesn't even bother with me.

Raphael sighed and smiled a little after remembering watching me enjoy the pancakes.

I see her somewhat differently.

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