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Chapter Sixty Seven

I was outside in the garden with Amina. "So you and your highness?" She smirked "h-how'd you know?" I blushed while watering the flowers. "Hope you don't mind" she cleared her throat "oooohh~, Raphael! Right there!" She mocked me.

I gasped, "shh!! Was I actually that loud?" She nodded "the night maids were talking about it. Got around the place. Don't be shocked when people ask when the baby will be here, my lady" I blushed.

"Raphael and I are... taking it slowly. A child isn't really something we're focused on in the moment" "well, that was the main reason why you two got married, my lady. To have a child so the future of Rarukya is sealed" I sighed.

She is right. But having a child is still too early for my relationship with Raphael.

"But you and your highness look very perfect with each other" I blushed and giggled "I know~" I continued to giggle to myself.

"But do you think people will accept us?" I looked at her "accept...?" Amina looked at me confused. "Well yeah. Everyone knows that your highness can never bring himself to love someone like me."

Amina's eyes saddened, "there is nothing wrong with you my lady. People will always be judgmental, they might criticize your highness heavily for falling in love with you. But—" I cut her off.

"Heavily?" "Well yes, he at first dislike you ny lady. He was on the people's side you can say. But now that he's actually fallen for you, they might criticize him so much, excuse me for improper language, but because you used to act so rebellious" she explained.

Amina is right..

I walked away and Amina followed.

How can I be with Raphael? He's already been judged his whole life since a child, cause his intimating appearances and skills.

He gets named horrible things; like a killing machine, a war machine, a blood thirsty monster.

And then to actually fall for someone who has horrible acts in the past. They'll think of worse things upon him. I don't want him being judge more than he has to already.

I groaned and got back inside. "My lady," a maid passed me an envelope, I opened it and I read it in my head, I sighed and passed it to Amina.

"What is it?" She asked "some conference with the emperor and other nobles about my work" I replied. Amina and some maids washed me and helped me get dressed even more elegant, I took a carriage to the main palace.

I walked through the halls, I saw the emperor waiting for me with the other high nobles men. "You majesty," I bowed my head "Helena," he glared down at me.

He's still been holding a grudge against me since my family.

I took a seat with the men, the maid poured us all tea.

"So how's your work been going?" Your majesty asked me "I haven't been given the chance to see. I've been busy with other—" "let's get straight to the point, Lady Helena" I looked at a noble.

Arthur Henry, a high noble.

"Which is?" I asked "all these new changes, do you really think it's for the better for the people? I just find it a waste of time and land."

Is he disagreeing with my decisions?

"I'm not understanding you, Duke Arthur" I said "ah, of course you wouldn't" that caught me by surprise. "What is that exactly suppose to mean?" "He's trying to say someone like, you wouldn't understand the works" Duke Earl said, I looked over to him.

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