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Chapter Forty Four


"Eustace, are we almost there yet?" I asked trying to walk on a log "no, lady Helena" he groaned from being asked the fortieth time.

It's already been two days, and it was decided that it was going to be a five day trip.

I sighed and looked up at the bright, clear sky. "Do you think anyone is looking for you?" I looked at Eustace, my eyes saddened.

"Worried for me, yes, my lady in waiting. Looking for me? Hell no" I nodded no slowly, Eustace felt pity for me. "I'm sure the crown prince is finally happy I'm gone. Hell, he was thinking about killing me" I kicked a pebble.

"Did you hear him say that?" "What do you mean?" I looked at Eustace with a disoriented look. "What if you heard wrong? If you didn't hear him say it, then it could've just been a rumor" he shrugged.

I scoffed, "trust. The crown pince definitely hates my guts. I'm sure he was thinking on killing me" Eustace noticed my upset expression. "Well, you can always stay with me" he offered "really?" My face glowed up.

"It's nice having a companion to travel with" I smiled "I'll definitely think about it."

The day passed

Eustace and I found a spot to sleep in until the sun comes back. I yawned, "so tired. I hate walking so much" I put my back against the tree and got comfortable. "You go ahead and sleep, Lady Helena. I'll stay and watch the things" Eustace said, I nodded and fell asleep.

After some time, I started waking up from loud voices. "Eustace... what're you doing?" I rubbed my eyes and realized what I was seeing, I gasped.

"Lady Helena, watch out!" I looked up someone swung an axe down on my head, I rolled to the side. I quickly got up.

"Who are these people!?" "Forest thieves," Eustacio said firmly.

Forest thieves, they're rotten to the core. Nothing about them is peaceful or kind, they're pure evil. They'll stalk campers or travelers, steal their things, kill them and sell their organs in the black market for gold.

"W-what do we?" I stuttered, Eustacio handed me the bag of my things "just keep that safe" he ordered. I tightened my grip on my bag.

"Hey, isn't that Helena De Lavgine?" They pointed their sword at me "yeah... it is" they recognized me. "Think about how much they'll give us for her body" they grinned at me.

"Eustace?" I looked at him worried, he stood in front of me. "The lady isn't being touched by you filthy rats" Eustace glared at them, they clenched on their weapons.

They charged at us, Eustace defended me. I tried getting out of their way.

One of the thieves grabbed me, "let go of me!" I punched them in the face, it was two vs one for Eustace. I picked up one the guy's axe, it was a little heavy.

"Eustace, move!" Eustace jumped out of the way, I threw the axe and it hit one of them. Pinning them into a tree, he chocked out blood, Eustace looked at me surprised.

Eustace's face dropped, "Helena, watch out!" I gasped, they grabbed me from behind, I was wiggling around. One, two, three. Was how many times they stabbed me.

I fell to my knees and they accidentally broke my necklace. "Helena!!" Eustace yelled.

Why do I always end up close to dying..?

I chocked out blood. My eyesight became blurry and I knocked out.

𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒸𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒...

Dawn finally came.

"Raphael, some of these knights want to go home and get some actual rest" William complained "and you should too, whether you like it or not" Raphael ignored him.

"Raphael!" "If you guys want to go home, then go. But I'm going to continue to look for her" "it's the third day, Raphael... she can be.." William bit his tongue. Raphael knew what he was going to say.

A knight ran to them, "we found something!" They followed him. It was a messy scene, bodies everywhere, "we have someone alive over here" a knight yelled to them, they hurriedly went to them.

"What happened here?" William asked them, they had a knife in their ribs, they chuckled. "He's a forest thief. They're dirty rats" a knight said "your highness..." a knight walked up to them, Raphael's eyes widened.

Her necklace...

"Isn't that, er..." William didn't know whether to say it not. Raphael looked at the thief, he started adding more pressure to the knife "who the hell did you guys attack!? And don't you dare lie to me!" "GAHHH!!!" The thief screamed out in pain.

"Fucking hell..." "if you want it to stop. Answer!" He added even more pressure "Helena De Lavigne and some guy!"

Some guy!?

"If this is her necklace... where's her body?" William looked around "where is she!?" Raphael yelled repeating William. "Man, I don't know! Look what they've done! Those brats!"

"You're saying lady Helena and some guy murderer all these people?" William had a confused look. "After, we stabbed her—" Raphael's eyes widened, Raphael was about to take his sword out, "woah there! If you want answers, we need him alive" William stopped him.

"She was still alive cause her friend looked relief and carried her sway" he chocked out.

This friend of yours Helena.. is he not just a friend...?

Raphael shoved William away and sliced his head off. "Now we can't ask him what direction they... went" William realized Raphael's intimidating look, William slowly walked sway.

But a lover. Is that why you ran away? Cause you had a lover this whole time.

I groaned, slowly waking up. I looked around, I gasped and sat up quickly. "Calm down, lady Helena!" It was Eustace, "I-I thought I died..." I felt a sharp pain, I looked down and I was wrapped up.

"You wrapped me up?" I asked and he nodded no. "He did," he pointed at a man who was riding a horse. I just realized Eustace and I were in a wagon "where are we going?" I asked "what do you think?" He smirked.

"Are we on our way to Zamid!?" I asked excited "and we might get there a day earlier than expected."

Oh my god! Am I actually going to be able to get home!?

I squealed and hugged him "ow, ow" I let him go. "That hurt," Eustace chuckled "but thank you Eustace. For everything" I thanked him with a smile. "Eh, I told you I'm a nice guy" I laughed at his comment.

"And thank you kind sir for bandaging me up!" I thanked the stranger "of course, my lady!" He yelled back, I could hear the happiness in his voice. I smiled softly until Eustace offered me an apple and I accepted it.

Once I get to talk to Penelope. That's when I'll know for sure, I can go home!

I can't wait!

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