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Chapter Ten

Today was the day, the day that I'd be given away to the man who was going to kill me so my family can earn more money and power.

They combed my hair, they took my dress out. I stared at the dress.

Never thought in my life, I'd be getting married to some character, or in general.

I looked exhausted. They dressed me up like some pretty doll. I stood in the mirror, "you look beautiful, my lady" Amina complimented me, I looked at her with dead eyes.

Do they still think I'm in love with Raphael even after reacting so badly after the announcement?

They put a white veil over my head.

Raphael stood in front of the nobles, he saw Amina come in and took a seat with the Lavigne family.

"Let's welcome, the bride, the future empress of Rarukya, Helena De Lavigne!" They announced me, they forced me to go through the doors, and I was walking down the aisle, I kept my head down.

I stood beside Raphael, we both looked at each other. He was giving me a look that made me uncomfortable, just by his eyes I could've tell that he didn't wanna be around me. I looked away from uncomfortable ness. The Royal priest said the vows; "I, Raphael De Blanchet, take you, Helena De Lavigne, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

He put my finger in the ring, I did my part of the vows.

"You may kiss the bride" I looked at Amina, she was looking at us, Raphael took my veil off and Raphael and I leaned in. Everybody clapped, our lips weren't touching but from the view it seemed like they were, we both pulled back.

Raphael and I were seated together and watched people enjoy the wedding. "If you'd like, you can go socialize" I looked at Raphael, he ignored me "Your highness, would you—" he interrupted me.

"Cut the act, lady Helena. You got what you want, you're now married to me" Raphael looked at me "I already told you. This isn't what I wanted, it was all a misunderstanding" I said with a desperate tone.

Raphael side eyed me, "and I'm suppose to believe you?" I sighed "if you excuse me," I got up and walked away, William walked up to Raphael and they chatted a bit.

A noble man bumped into me and I almost tripped, but they ripped my dress from the back, "excuse you!" The noble man yelled at me "you bumped into me?" I replied back at him, "Lady Helena, I understand now that you've married to the future emperor. But don't go abusing your power" I flinched.

"I didn't even do or say anything that gives off I'm abusing my power?" I questioned "Lady Helena, no need to start having an attitude" "what're you even talking about, Mr.??" I was so confused.

"Please go away, Lady Helena. You're bringing discomfort to everyone" he turned and chuckled. I clenched my fists, and hit my under lip.

I mumbled something under my breath, "huh, what'd you say?" He turned around to look at me "how dare you, I said!?" It caught the people close to us to look, he raised his eyebrow at me.

"I am your future empress!" I screamed "you don't disrespect me! You will show respect towards me!" I stepped closer to him and shoved my finger at chest, "do you understand!? You ripped my dress! This dress costs more than your life!!"

Amina ran to Raphael, "your highness, there's been a disturbance between a noble and lady Helena" Raphael sighed and got up to go towards us. The noble scoffed.

"Are you threatening me!? She's threatening me!! All you guys are witnesses!!" He yelled, I raised my hand but someone grabbed my wrist and pulled down it down, "enough, Helena."

I was facing Raphael, we were both glaring at each other. "Your highness, control your wife! She is out of control! She was threatening me and was about to hit me!" The noble man yelled at Raphael.

Raphael looked at him with a deadly look, "you dare demand your future emperor?" The man gulped "don't tell me what to do with my wife" Raphael pulled me away from the crowd and into a private area.

"What're you doing screaming at—" I cut him off "he attacked me! He bumped into ME, he ripped MY dress!" I yelled back at Raphael. Raphael sighed, "it's only been two hours since we've been married and you're already causing problems" I clenched my fists.

"Go," "excuse me?" "Go home, Helena. You can go home, get some sleep. Your face is disturbing me" Raphael walked back inside, I stood there in the cold.

I took a carriage back home, "weren't we suppose to have our first night together or something?" I got to the Lavigne household and went inside, I was angry, frustrated, sad. The maids and butlers looked at me with anxiety. They felt my negative energy.

I undressed myself in my room, I put my night gown on and crawled into my bed.

Just kill me already.

I yawned and went straight to bed hoping I wouldn't wale up.

"So Hyun..."

"Huh..?" I was in a blank world, indefinite grass and indefinite blue sky. "So Hyun," I turned around, eomma, "eomma!" I screamed and hugged her.

"Eomma, I wanna go home so badly!!" "I know So Hyun" "I miss you guys so much!" "And we miss you, So Hyun" she pushed me away a little.

"So Hyun, you're so sad... why? I always taught you to look at the good things in every situation" "I can't, eomma. Not in this situation" I said sadly.

"It's too hard, so hard. I'm most likely going to die again in this world" my eomma hugged me, "don't you give up, So Hyun. Keep trying, keep going. You need to do this, you can do this. Get that motherfucker on your side!" I flinched.

She vanished.

"Eomma! Eomma!" I kept screaming for her but she didn't appear anymore.

I gasped for air, and sat up. I looked outside, it was morning. And then I viewed the world better. I got out of bed. I felt very determined.

I will not let myself be killed by my own husband's hands. I won't let myself get killed!

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