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Chapter Twenty Seven

I stayed in my room the whole time, trying to get closer to get out of this shitty world. And I was very angry with Raphael to the point I would avoid seeing him.

Raphael was in his office and Amina walked in. "Your highness," "Amina?" "Lady Helena still hasn't came out of her room since the incident. I'm getting worried" Amina's eyes saddened. Raphael sighed.

It's been two weeks.

Raphael sighed heavily, "all over a small incident?" Amina sighed "your highness, not only she's angry at you, but she's angry at herself. Please understand, she cares and loves the children, and she wasn't able to save one of them" Amina explained.

"Imagine you had a dog you loved and you saw it get killed when you were able to save it" Raphael stayed quiet. Amina walked out of the office.

I was organizing papers.

William is the leader of the knight scouts, so I can ask him to let me borrow some of his knights to go on adventure to look for Sebastian's lover... but what if they report back to Raphael?


I was stressed until there was a knock at my door. "I told Amina and everyone else not to bother me until I call them" I mumbled and opened my door, "your highnesses?" I questioned "Hel—" I shut the door on him.

I'm not speaking to him! Back to my studying.

"She's not going to speak to you, your highness" Amina had some papers with her hands. "She's ignoring everyone, including me" Amina's eyes disheartened. "She's focused on other things" Amina pointed out "like?" Amina shrugged.

"My lady would usually avoid the question when I would ask" "maybe, properly.. apologize to her?" Amina suggested. "I was," Amina laughed, Raphael was confused, "your highness," Amina walked closer to him.

"She's your wife" "and what's the most thing she desires?" "I really don't know. I would say dresses and expensive gifts. But now, she isn't into any of that" Amina kept smiling "you'll figure it out. But we both know, Helena deserves a well apology" Amina walked off.

What the hell would Helena want?

Raphael walked off and met up with William.

They were discussing about the armies. William noticed Raphael was off, "what is it?" William asked "I don't understand Peruka wants more oil from us. When they have plenty" William chuckled. "I know it's not that" Raphael looked up from the papers.

"Helena," "she's still upset about the incident?" Raphael rubbed his eyes with his hand from stress "yes. Avoids me all the tkme, and if she sees me. She doesn't acknowledge me at all" William laughed.

"What happened to wanting her to forget about you?" William teased, Raphael ignored Williams. "Amina suggested to give her a good apology" "a good apology? Just say you're sorry" "I was attempting but she slammed the door on my face" William bursted into laughter again.

"Oh god!" "I actually think Helena might forget about you for good this time" Raphael glared at William. "Alright, well what else did Amina say?" "What does Helena desire the most? How should I know, I know nothing of her but that she had an obsession over me" "everyone knew that."

"That sounds a little bad, don't you think? You guys are married whether you're in love or not, and yet you know nothing of her" William smirked. "... I honestly don't care about Helena" Raphael replied coldly.

"Then what's all the stress for her then?" "I don't know" Raphael sighed heavily. "It's eating me. Like I don't want to, but feels like I need to" Raphael added. "She seems so, I don't know, complicated now."

"Hmm I think I know how to help you" William smiled happily.

There was a knock on my door, "what is that they don't understand to not bother me?!" I opened my door angrily. It was Amina, "how can I help you?" I asked firmly "there's an accident at the orphanage!" My eyes widened from worried ness.

It was already dark but it didn't matter to me, I rapidly went to the orphanage along with Amina, I ran through the people and ended up losing Amina.

I was huffing, I looked around the orphanage.

The back maybe??

I ran inside and went to the back.


Before I could move I heard singing, I walked back to the front and saw the orphans singing, I looked around and the visitors dropped off beautiful flowers one by one to me.

What's going on...?

"Your highness," I turned around Sister Anne was smiling "we finally finished the schools for the children cause of you. Thank you so much."

Is this a thank you?

"What was the emergency?" Sister Anne pointed behind me, I turned around and saw Raphael standing there with some flowers, my eyes darkened.

What is he doing here?

I was going to walk away but Raphael grabbed me, "I'll show you the emergency" I looked at him confused. He ended up guiding me, it was far and there was bad ground, he would offer to help me since I had heels but I would decline out of stubbornness.

"This is it," Raphael got out of the way, I was at a loss for words. "Here lies, an amazing boy named Michael..." I looked at Raphael, Raphael put the flowers he had down on his grave.

"You... did this?" "With the help of others" "He deserved to rest in peace" My eyes got watery, I put the followers that I was given down with Raphael's. "He was so smart," I snuffled, I looked at Raphael.

I punched his gut, he oofed. I laughed wiping my tears away. "Thank you," Raphael looked away trying avoid the nice gesture, I stepped closer to him and opened my arms. "May I?"

Does she know about my disgust of physicalness?


Did I make him uncomfortable??

"You know what! It's whatever!" I smiled, brushing it off. Raphael and I locked eyes. Even though my eyes had an awful meaning in the past, they were bright.

Raphael kept his eye contact with me.

This is getting awkward for the both of us!!

I shoved him into the ground and laughed at him, Raphael pulled on my leg and I fell to the ground. And after that, I said my last goodbye to Michael and we went back to the village.

"Thank you for your help with the schools and Michael's last goodbye" sister Anne held mine and Raphael's hand. "And I'll make sure the knights will do their job" Raphael assured her.

I have so much more plans for this empire and village..

Raphael and I got back to our household. Raphael walked me back to my room silently, I broke the silence.

"Well, my room, hahaha! Night..."

"Helena," I turned around "yes?" "The emperor wants to see us tomorrow" I flinched. "To see how we're doing" Raphael added "alright then. Have a nice sleep your highness"

"I'll see you then, night" Raphael walked away. I walked into my room. I sat on my bed and smiled lightly.

𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝒫𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒...

Raphael got to his room, Raphael started unbuttoning his shirt.

"What do you need?" Raphael spoke up, an unknown figure un hid himself from the shadows.

"Message from the emperor" they said. "They found magic artifacts deep in the forest... that belonged to Sebastian Windsor."

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