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Chapter Six

"Please, your highness save her" Amina begged Raphael, people started coming out, Will ran to Raphael.

"Why aren't you doing something!?" Will asked "he'll kill her" "Helena!" Father yelled, mother grinned behind him.

"We're going to leave. If you dare go after us, she's dead!" He pulled me away, Amina tried running towards us "don't you dare, Amina!" I yelled at her, she stopped herself "you'll get hurt! Stay there, stay with your highness! You'll be safe!" I ordered.

The kidnapped pulled me away, "search everywhere! Don't let him get away with the princess!" The emperor came out "Raphael," "I'll get her back" Raphael ignored him "if you don't, you'll pay" the emperor threatened, Raphael sighed and walked away.

The kidnapped put me in some cart, he tied my arms and legs. The kidnapped got on the horse, and rode away from the parlance. My eyes became teary.

No! I have to time to be a hopeless damsel! I need to escape!

I wiggled around, there was a bump, it hurt me. I noticed my legs weren't tied well, I wiggled my adder around and the rope untied and fell off.

I looked at her kidnapper, he was too busy. I rolled to the edge, and there was a uno and I let myself fall off from the cart, I hit my head on a rock, I tried to sit up, I was bleeding from my head.

I groaned, and got up, my eye sight was blurry, I stepped wrong and fell down and started rolling down a hill, into a pond. I was wet, bleeding, and dirty, my dress was teared up, and I lost my heels.

I pulled my face out from the water, and looked up to the hill. I winced and tried getting up but fell bsck down, I twisted my ankle.


My face fell back into the water, I couldn't breath, I was too tired and her to even try.

If this how I'm going to die again? Didn't even get to live that long...

I'm so tired though. It'd be nice to finally rest in peace and not reincarnate into some fantasy.

Just go to sleep, So Hyun.

My eyes were about to fully shut forever, until I fell two hands and picked me up and put me into a wedding style position, I gasped for a big chunk of air.

I looked at him, Raphael De Blanchet.

"Helena," he coldly said "R-Raphael" not noticing I didn't use the proper way, Raphael looked at me with a cold gaze. I lied my head against his chest and knocked out.

I ended up waking up warm and comfortable, I immediately sat up.

"M-my lady, are you alright!?" Amina ram to me, I looked at Amina "A-Amina, am I dead?" She shook her head "the Crown Prince found you ima pond, facing down unfortunately but got there in time!"

Raphael... I remember.

"I was so scared to lose you, my lady" Amina grabbed my hand, I smiled at her "I'm okay now" I winced when I moved.

It does hurt a lot though.

"I would like to see the Crown Prince today" "huh? My lady you're hurt, you need to rest. Doctors said" "screw the doctors. Hello me up" and she did, she helped me get dress in a mid length, simple dress.

A maid brought me a food basket with delicious treats.

"What is this for?" Amina asked me " a thank you gift, for the Crown Prince" she flinched "are you planning to actually go all the way to the palace, my lady? Absolutely not, you need to rest" Amina didn't accept it.

"Please, Amina" I begged her with desperate eyes.

I arrived at the palace, Amina was too busy to some. Two knights escorted me to Raphael's room. My stomach had a knot.

"Are you sure you want to wait for the your highness, my lady? He spends most of his free time training, so he ought to take awhile" the knight said "yes, thank you" I smiled, they opened the door for me and I walked in.

His room is simple and clean, as expected.

I sat on his bed.

Very comfortable.

And next thing you know I knocked out.

"Mmm," I flipped to my other side, my eyes slowly opened I saw a black figure standing over me with his arms crossed, my eyes fully opened. I gasped and sat up.

"Your highness!" Raphael stood there with a cold face like always, I was embarrassed.

Great, So Hyun!

I stood up and grabbed the basket, "for you!" He looked at it "leave it and be on your way" Raphael  walked away from me, I frowned and looked at Raphael, "it's a thank you bask- oh my god, you're getting undressed!" I looked away.

"Are you dressed, your highness!?" "Mhm," I turned around, and walked to him "this is a thank you basket, for saving me last night" I said "I said you can leave it and be on your way" Raphael repeated.

"O-oh," I set it down on his desk "please don't act like you didn't make this all up" "e-excuse me??" I said offended he leaned in, "you're still obsessed with me" he glared at me.

What makes him think that!?

"And what makes you think that!?" I glared back "you were hiding in a bush, for god sake Helena! Spying on Amina and I, of course you hired that kidnapper, since me and your lady in waiting were having a moment together and you didn't want it to happen!" Raphael yelled at me, I scoffed.

He's delusional!

"You think I planned to get kidnapped and get hurt!? I could've died!" Raphael crossed his arms and didn't say a word, "you're so... you're so delusional!" Raphael flinched "not everything is about you!"

Even if he is the male lead!

"I'm not in love with you, your highness! I am SO over you! Again thank you for saving me but that is it!" I stormed out of his room, I scoffed.

Delusional ass.

I finally got back home.

"How was it?" Amina asked I sighed "tiring," I plopped myself on my bed "well people are talking about it, how your savior saved you was very romantic" I flinched and looked at her "my savior...?" Amina nodded.

"A beautiful love story they said" I groaned loudly "I hate my life!!"

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