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Chapter Seventy Six

"Ugh!" William grunted slapping the branches out of his way, he already had to fight knights and monsters. He was exhausted.

He was under the cliff that emperor Davinch pushed Raphael off. "That's pretty deep... I hope he's okay" William started looking around.

William realized there was a river, William walked towards. William followed where it lead to.

"Your majesty, for you" a Kratha maid handed you tea, you took it and tasted it. You spat it out.

"The hell is this shit?" "It's made with—" you cut her off "shit!?" You threw it at her, it burned her. "You Kratha people don't know how to make tea for shit. You're all so useless" you glared at her.

"Apologies your majesty" she bowed, you rolled your eyes. Amina came back with fright in her eyes. You laughed, "what's wrong Amina? Scared?" "N-no your majesty."

You sent Amina to feed Mushu the emperor and it got really bloody.

"Mushu must've been so hungry to tear him apart. Look at you... all bloody" you teased "may I shower your majesty?" She asked for permission "hm, alright. Only because his blood reeks" Amina nodded and walked away.

William noticed the river lead to a water fall. "Fuck..." he sighed and sat down heavily on a rock "can he really be dead?" William dropped his sword and went through his hair with his hand out of stress.

"Move and I'll kill you."

William's eyes widened when he felt a sword against his neck from behind.

An attacker!?

"Get the hell up!!" They demanded, William got up slowly and kept his arms up. "Turn the hell around!" William slowly turned around and when his met with those piercing eyes.


"William?" Raphael lowered his sword "Raphael, you're alive!" William hugged him Raphael lost balance and fell down with him."You're fucking alive!" William sat up "did you think I was dead?" William stayed quiet, "I was starting to begin to."

Raphael scoffed, "I need to get back to Rarukya. I need to see Helena" William's eyes saddened "what..?" "You don't have to go back to Rarukya to see her majesty. She's here, at Kratha" Raphael flinched.

"Why? Did they invade Rarukya and capture her!?" Raphael stared to panic "no. None of that. She's well..." William scratched his head.

William explained everything to him, Raphael was shocked about it.

"When you look at her, you expect to see something different. But she has pure madness and evilness in those eyes, more than ever" William stated. "I get chills by even thinking about them" William added, Raphael didn't know how to react or even reply.

"I.. I need to see her" they both got up from the ground "but hey haven't you returned to Rarukya?" "Davinch knew I was still alive, he had knights out searching the premises for me.. I couldn't" Raphael explained.

"Let's get you back to her majesty!"

And they started heading to the Kratha empire.

You were outside with Mushu. You sighed, "how can I ever be in peace..?" "My lady," Amina came up from behind. You turned around, "yes?" "Would you want to take a bath?" "Sure," you walked to the bathroom with Amina.

Amina had already prepared your bath and you dipped yourself. The water felt refreshing.

"Amina, get out" you demanded "yes my lady" Amina got out. You pulled your legs to your chest and and you just started balling.

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