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Hi! Book4luver here! Thank you for reading my first book!! :). 27K views !! :)) makes me so happy people are reading and enjoying my books after reading some comments, I try my best to reply to most of them.

I accept suggestions or any type of criticism :)! So please free to leave some under the comments!

But anyways, I did a minor mistake and mentioned Helena being 19 and 22. So I wanted to get this straight :) this would only be about our Amina, Helena, William and Raphael! Thank you!

Helena De Lavgine/Blanchet
Blood type: B
Age: 22(in the moment) (birthday coming up/soon will be 23)
Birth Place: Rarukya Empire
Birthday: May 26th, XXXX

Raphael De Blanchet
Blood Type: A
Age: 25
Birth Place: Rarukya Empire
Birthday: March 13th, XXXX

Amina De Garnier
Blood Type: O
Age: 23
Birth Place: Drunia
Birthday: September 10th, XXXX

William De Laurent
Blood Type: A
Age: 25
Birth Place: Hicuria
Birthday: October 20th, XXXX

I hope this cleared any confusion! If you have any more questions about any character(s), please be free to ask!! Enjoy!! ^_^ 🩷💙

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