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Chapter Fifty Three


Helena groaned.

I feel very warm...

Her eyes slowly opened, it was blurry for a moment but she saw a figure looking down at her. Her vision came back, he had black hair, and worried blue eyes.

"Your highness? Your highness!?" Helena sat up quickly. She noticed the two coats wrapped around her and the fire "what're you doing here, with me? Aren't you suppose to be with Amina?" Raphael still looked worried.

"Uh, what's wrong?" "You almost died, Helena" she flinched. "That's... that's absurd" he checked her forehead "you're barley gaining your warmth back" Helena noticed his appearances.

"Is Amina okay? I can tell you guys must've encountered monsters" "yeah, I'm sure she's at a shelter right now. She'll be fine, she's smart."

Complimenting your lover, I see how it isss.

I saw a light glow in his bag. "What's that?" I pointed at it, he grabbed his bag and took it out, it was the key.

The key Eli was talking about!

"Why aren't you with your partner?" He crossed his arms "I told him to go. I felt like burden, felt like I kept holding him back" she replied nervously. "And he just left you? Didn't even argue you about it?" He lifted an eyebrow up.

"I told him it was alright" Helena tried getting up but she stumbled back down. Raphael caught her, "don't get up, you're not at your fullest yet" she rubbed her forehead.

Helena's eyes felt heavy, she looked at Raphael. He didn't break eye contact, she started to shiver, he noticed the fire was getting weaker.

The fire will go out soon. I have to keep her warm enough until then.

"Why couldn't you stay with your family?" Helena didn't know how to answer.

If I tell him the truth, he'll think I'm making a scene. If I don't, he'll think I'm planning something with them.

"I... just wanted to have fun" Helena replied weakly "fun? Yet here you are freezing. The games aren't actually games, they're suicidal missions" Raphael explained "I think I got that."

Helena noticed a wound. "H-hey..." she touched it, he didn't react "I might be warm, but the cold numbs it out" Helena tried reaching for her bag. "Hey, stop" he grabbed her wrist.

"I need my bag" he sighed and grabbed it for Helena. Helena looked through it and took out the aid kid that Eli put in.

"Let me help you" "that's not necessary, Helena" Helena got mad, "then I don't need your help, either" Helena tried getting up but Raphael grabbed her "unless you want to die from the cold. I suggest you stay here."

"Let me help you then!" Helena begged, Raphael didn't say another word, he removed his armor and long sleeve shirt.

Woah... I can never get over how amazing his body is.


She noticed a wound on his ribs, it seemed stitched up but not right. "Was this the wound from the other night?" Raphael ignored her question "you didn't stitch it up right. Did you even disinfect it?" He continued to ignore her.

Helena grabbed some disinfection achole wipers. She carefully disinfect them, Raphael felt the small sting. Helena unstitched the bad stitching first.

"This looks bad. I'll clean it up and do my best but see a doctor when we get home" she stitched up his wounds and put a bandaid on his cheek from a cut.

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