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Chapter Fifty One

Two weeks have gone by. And the next day was going to be the beginning of the gladiator games.

It was night. I yawned.

Can't wait to hit my head on the pillows!

I saw a maid walking by, "goodn—" she hit me with her shoulder and kept walking.

Ah... I forgot.

I started hearing foot steps, I turned around. Raphael came down from the hall, he was wearing a bloody armor.

"Y-your highness!?" I ran to him "Helena..? Aren't you suppose to be asleep by now?" He asked "what's with all the blood? And the maids just cleaned the floors!"

"It's not mine. Monsters" I noticed his eyes were exhausted the last few days he's been out of the gates with other knights fighting monsters. They're getting crazier than ever.

"Can't they ever send someone else other than you?" He scoffed "I'm not just a knight, I'm the knight, Helena. They send me to kill them, what do you think my job is?" "So? You're still a human, you can still die!" I was worried.

"Are you worried about me?" "Of course! You're the empire's future!" He looked disappointed "I have to get some sleep," he started walking off, he almost tripped but I held him up.

"Your highness, you don't have to participate in the games" I looked at him worriedly "it's just one full day, Helena. I'll be fine" "you're not fine right now though!" I tried holding him up, but he was getting heavier.

Raphael pushed me away gently. "Go to bed, Helena" he winced and put his hand over his side "are you sure that's only monsters blood?" I asked, he looked at me for a minute.

"See you tomorrow," he walked away to his room. I sighed, and I went to my room.

Why is that man so stubborn?

I sat on my chair and combed ny hair.

Raphael took his armor off and threw it to the side. "Agust," a butler appeared from the shadows "yes, my highness" "take my armor and clean it" "yes your highness" he picked it up and walked out.

Raphael had a wound on his ribs. He winced, he took out the first aid kit and started stitching it up himself.

The next day...

My maid helped me put a dark blue dress on, they put a white long fuzzy, soft coat on me.

"Thank you," I gave them a smile, they took me down to my carriage.

"Where's my husband?" I asked "your highness and Amina have already went to the mountain grounds. They'll be waiting for you there, my lady" they helped me into my carriage.

"Goodbye," they gave me dirty looks, my smile faded away when the carriage moved on.

I sighed. I started to smile.

I hope I get to see Amina and Raphael spark during the games!!

It took awhile to get to the mountains but when I got there it was a beautiful sight. There was a huge crowd. I got down from the carriage.

"Father!" I waved my hand in the air, the emperor looked at me. He had two knights guarding him, we walked towards each other.

"It's good to see, darling" he gave me a kiss on the cheek "will you be participating with Raphael?" He asked, I nodded no. "I'm not so good with the cold, father. So I had Amina take my..." my eyes widened.

"Huh, what's wrong?" He turned around to look around, he chuckled. "Happy to see your family?" They were all together, watching me.

"Your majesty," a knight came up to them "go speak to them" the emperor told me and turned his attention to the knight.

Haven't seen them since the Olivia incident.

I started walking closer to them.

"It's good to see they released you from your crimes" Cristina smiled at me "my crimes? You mean yours? I know you planned it all" I glared at them, George was going to attack me but the Duke stopped him.

"Enough, with the attitude, Helena. What have you got against the emperor and the crown Prince?" I clenched my fists "you've got to be kidding me, child! Still nothing?" She scoffed.

"It's not that it's nothing. It's that I'm not giving you guys anything, I don't understand why you want to overrule the empire so much"I argued with them. "Don't you want to be rich, don't you want to over rule and make these people suffer?" Louis asked me.

"No!" I shook my head no "hmph," "I want you guys to leave, now" "leave? Don't be silly, we're here to watch our daughter participate in the games" Cristina smiled.

"Well you wasted your time, I'm not participating" they're eyes widened. "Why not?" "Cause I don't want to and I'm not good with the cold!" I yelled at them "oh you're going to participate."

"Hey, you! What's your name?"  The Duke pointed at a random knight "uh Eli?" He said unsure. "Do you have a partner?" He nodded no "here's one" they shoved me into him.

"Lady Helena?" He asked me confused "h-hi," I smiled awkwardly. I turned to look at them "you've—" I saw Louis signing me up with Eli.

I sighed.

"Lady Helena, you're not allowed to wear—" "I know! I'll be back" I started walking to a barn and started changing out of my clothes into some warm clothes but suited for the game.

Why do I always get pulled into the games!?

"Lady Helena?" I turned around, it was Amina. She looked beautiful with her hair up in a bun "Amina," I smiled "I thought you weren't participating?" She was confused.

"I really wasn't but my parents signed me up" I smiled awkwardly. "The Lavgine family is here?" I nodded yes "are you sure? You can back out you know."

If I do, I don't know what they'll do.

"No, it's fine. I'll be okay" "are you sure? You're not the best with the cold" she was really worried, I smiled. "I'll be fine. If not then, I'll light up the emergency firework" she nodded.

"I wish you the best" I hugged her "you too."

I was hoping to watch them! But I guess this will work!

Amina stayed in the barn and I walked out. I saw Raphael speaking to William, they were all armored up, I walked up to them.

"You guys ready?" "Oh, lady Helena? You're...
Suited up? Who are you partnered up with?" William asked "uh some guy name Eli" "yikes. He's a noob" I rolled my eyes.

"So? He has potential" I looked at Raphael, he was glaring at me. "What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, he scoffed and walked off.

"He's probably in a bad mood because you're partnered up with a random guy and not him" William smirked "why? He has Amina?" I asked but then I gasped.

Of course it'll put him in a bad mood! He's partnered up with Amina, I'm partnered up with another guy! People are gonna talk and it's gonna annoy him!

I slapped my forehead, "oh, please don't hurt yourself" William removed my hand from my forehead. "Thanks for the heads up" I patted his shoulder and walked away to Eli.

"You ready to win this thing Eli?"I smiled determined. He was picking his boogers, "huh? Oh yes!" He wiped them on his pants, I smiled cringy.


I glanced at Raphael and Amina. He was helping her with her belt. I smiled.

So cute!!!

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