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Chapter Seventy Four

A few days have passed and Willam came up walking to me. I was sitting in my throne.

"Your majesty...!" He bowed "get on with it William" "I've just sent the second group of knights" "what happened to the first?" I asked "we only have a couple of them that survived and, most have serious injuries" he stated.

"When they're healed, get them back into the fields" I demanded, William looked at me with hesitation. "Did you not hear?" "yes, your majesty!" He got up and left.

"Helena," I saw Charles coming in "father," I crossed my legs. "This is getting out of hand. All our knights are going to end up dead, people don't want to come out anymore because of how bad you're caught up all in this. That you're not focusing on the health of the empire and the people" he explained.

"Are you saying..." I got up and walked closer to him "there are things more important than avenging your son's death?" Charles sighed. "Hel—" "cause if you are, I don't mind sending you out there as well" I glared at him.

"Are you threatening me?" "I'm warning you..." I walked back to my throne and sat down. "Go do other things instead of bothering me, your old geezer" he looked at me annoyed and walked away.


I went to the wizard of Rarukya with two knights "Your majesty?" He questioned, "get him," they pinned him and pointed a sword at him "what're you doing!? You can't just—" "can't just what..?" A smile curved on my face.

"Tell me where the fire dragon is" "the what..?" "The dragon. I know these monsters have a higher ruler... and I'm connected to it" I crossed my arms.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I looked at the knight and gave them a nod, they cut off a finger. He screamed. "Tell me where it is, and your fingers won't be the only thing that will be cut" I threatened.

"Maybe.. maybe in the books right there on your left" I turned and grabbed the books "the green book has a map in it. It's a myth, I don't know if it's true! So please let me go!" A map fell out and I picked it up.

I smirked at him "I like you begging" he sighed from relief "but I love you screaming. Cut them" he screamed.

The day went slow, I went out for a walk with Amina. I went to the control room.

"Your m-majesty..?" A knight looked at me shock "take the barrier down" Amina flinched, they all did in fact. "My lady...!" "I said take them down! What's with you people not following orders the first time!?" I shouted at them, "sorry, your majesty!" He nodded at the knights.

They hesitated a little, but once they glanced at me I was already glaring at them. They shut it down.

"Your majesty, that stops the mon—" I cut Amina off "I know what it is, I'm not dumb. Follow me" "give me that," I pointed at his sword. "My sword..?" I nodded and he gave it to me. I went from inside to outside with Amina following me.

"What're we doing outside, your majesty?" Amina stayed close, "just wait.." I cut open my palm, Amina gasped, I lifted my arm into the air.

There were growls.

"My lady....! We need to get in—" I shoved Amina to the ground "unless you want to be food, shut the hell up!" I screamed at her, she bit her lip staying quiet and got up.

The monsters started coming and it was packed. They were hungry for me.

Amina stayed behind me, I held the sword to them. "Come and get me," I mouthed to them, they came at me. The knights noticed and grabbed their weapons, "protect her majesty!!"

Amina shut her eyes and held me tightly. Waiting for the attacks on us.

Nothing happened, Amina slowly looked from behind me. They were tamed. I glanced at Amina and smirked at her "Amina go get me a horse, I'm going out."

Amina backed away, "what did you just do, my lady..?" I looked at her "mind your business and do what you're told" Amina ran off to go get me a horse.

"You pathetic creatures," I insulted. Amina brought me a black bourse, "your majesty, I-I gathered some knights... so they can es—" "no need I want to go by myself" I cut her off.

"Where will you be going?" "I told you, to mind your business and do what you're told" I glared at her. "Yes my lady.." "let everyone know to stay in doors, and to not attack the monsters. And try their best to survive" I smiled at her.

"You're leaving us with the monsters?" "You better get going and get secured, Amina" "hiya!" The horse galloped away, they drooled at Amina. Amina ran off and they started chasing her.

The horse galloped fast.

And days passed even more.

"I hope that bitch of an empress is dead!" A noble yelled "don't you dare speak like that of the empress!" William yelled "right!" Amina backed him up.

"There are monsters running around, killing!!! The empire is crumbling all cause of that women!!" "She hasn't returned in days!!" "You think she's still alive!?"


"What the hell was that!?" They ran outside to the backyard of the main palace, their eyes widened. There was standing a huge red and black dragon, Amina locked eyes with its huge eye. It's eye was bigger than her.

I slid down from the dragon, "your majesty...!?" I smiled and petted the dragon "and we really thought it was a myth" I smiled.

"How's you find that thing!? Get rid of it!" The nobles demanded, I walked to them and slapped the shit out of them.

"If you even think of raising your voice at me... I'll feed you to him" they looked away.

A Few Days Ago..

I entered a cave, "says it lives in a cave that almost shaped skull..." I looked around and I noticed there were skeletons around.

I walked deeper into the cave and I saw something glow. "What is that?" I walked closer and realized it was treasure, I picked up a red jewel.

"A ruby? What the hell is this doing all the way here?" Two big red eye got closer behind me, I felt a presence behind me. I turned around slowly, and my eyes widened.

It roared at me and I felt it's steaming hot breath, I fell back. It got closer and it's long head leaned into me, I slowly got up.

It seemed calm but cautious, very cautious. I reached for it long snout, my hand was shaking. I finally placed my hand on it rough scales, I slowly climbed up. And I put my head against it.

Glowing red lines appeared on my head, and it happened for the dragon. Our red eyes glowed.

I smiled mischievously at it


"It obeys me" I said, and they looked at me. "Huge yet so pathetic" I walked inside, and they followed my inside.

Charles walked up to me, "what the hell is going on Helena!?" He shouted at me "what do you mean?" "Raphael wouldn't want this happening!" He yelled at me "this is all unnecessary! I understand you're in pain, so am I! But doing all of this won't bring him back!!"

"You don't think I know that?" "I know it won't bring him back; and I miss him like fucking hell!!" I yelled back. "But I'm going to kill that whole empire" I walked pass Charles.

Going to kill each and every single one of them for you.

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