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Chapter Fifty Nine

It's been awhile, there were a month and a little left for the second moon to come.

I scratched my head, Amina walked in with my tray of tea. "Good afternoon, lady Helena" she smiled "good afternoon. Where's your highness?" "He's currently in the training ground, Lady Helena" I sat down.

"Oh, when will he be done?" "Maybe in a hour? Oh! By the way, this is for you" she gave me some files. "What's this?" "All the belongs of the Lavigne family, everything your family has left" I flinched.

I look through the files; it was all mine. The property, house, money, treasure, everything.

"What will I do with all of this?" "Well it's yours, whatever you'd like to do" Amina smiled and walked away. I put the files to the side, I scoffed.

I got up and went to the training grounds. "Sir, your wife is here" Raphael saw me, I waved at him he walked up to me. "What're you doing here? It's hot out here, shouldn't you be inside doing whatever you need to do?" He wiped the sweat off.

"I'm done with all my chores!" I smiled "I wanted to know if you'd like to come with me to the village. To see the progress with everything" Raphael noticed people were watching. He got annoyed by it.

"Let's talk inside," we went inside the small house. It carried all types of weapons "you want to go to the village to see the progress with everything?" He put his sword on a table.

I nodded, "I haven't had the chance to. So I'd like to" Raphael sat down "maybe tomorrow. We have to go to the temple soon" "huh, temple!? You mean the church?" He nodded.

"No one told me I'm booked today" I pouted "since we weren't able to go after our wedding, we can go now" "what're we gonna do there?" I asked, he looked up at me.

"Married couple things," my ears started to burn.

Married... couple... things?

"Go get dressed. I'll go get you in about an hour" and I went back to the household. "I'm sorry for not telling you my lady. Must've forgot" Amina apologized "don't worry" Amina helped me get undress.

I was dressed in a long but not too long white dress, but it showed my feet. I had diamond jewelry on, and she put flats on me. She put my hair into a pony tail.

There was a knock at my door, "must be your highness" Amina opened the door, he walked in. He was wearing all black.

"Why are you wearing that?" "What?" "You know there's a dress code at the temples" "so?" "It's being respectful!" I dagged my finger at his chest. "Well if they have a problem up, they can shove up their asses" I rolled my eyes.

Amina walked us down, we got in a carriage and we were on our way to the temples. We arrived and got down, and we were greeted by Pope Logan.

"Lady Helena and your highness! It's good to have you here" I looked at Raphael, he was ignoring him. "It's nice to see you again, sir Logan" I smiled "it's good to finally enclose your marriage" he smiled "enclose...?" I questioned, we followed him.

"Well yes, you two are married! But no one wants to be just close with their partner physically, but emotionally and mentally" I looked at Raphael confused, he looked at me with a "this is a waste of time" look.

"So we've prepared some things for you to have your first night" I flinched "uhm, we already have?" He looked at me up and down.

I feel judged!

"Knowing this man's stamina, you would've been pregnant by now lady Helena" he smiled innocently, I gasped and looked at Raphael. "He's connected to god or something, he knows" Raphael looked at him annoyed.

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