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Chapter Forty Seven

After a long journey, we finally made it back to the Rarukya empire.

The times we made a stop. Everyone would sleep but Raphael didn't, not even a wink of it.

"Ahhh" William stretched "I'm going home and getting some good sleep!" William smiled and walked away, I looked at Eustace, he smiled at me.

A knight grabbed him and started pulling him away, I grabbed Eustace. "What're you doing!?" Raphael walked up to us "Helena, they're taking him to get treated and to go home.." I looked at Eustace sadly.

I hugged Eustace tightly, he returned it. "I like you a lot, and I know.. I know you'll become a great empress!" Eustace smiled at me "thank you for everything" I smiled at him, wanting to cry.

They walked away, "let's... let's go in—" Raphael fell on his knees "your highness!" I was caught off guard, his upper body fell to the ground. "Help! Someone help!!!" I screamed out.


Helena De Lavgine, she was obsessed with me and I didn't know how to handle her so much love. It was different from what every girl gave to me...

But ever since she woken up, she changed. Her aura changed..

When I lost her and found out she ran away. I didn't know what to do, I just wanted to find her and hope she was okay and not hurt.

But when I found you with that Eustace guy and you seemed so worried about him. I also wished to find you in the teeth of a monster than seeing you with someone else...

I didn't know what to do, I still don't know what to do. What if you were dead? What would've I done? Like back then, what would've I done for my mother just for her to still be alive?

My mother didn't know how to love me. She picked and choose with me.. I know I hurt you countless times, Helena, but I still want you to love me. No matter what.

I don't know how to love. I didn't know what to do with your obsession or love back then, so I just hated it. I hated your touch, I hated everything about you. To the point I hated everything about everyone.

I don't know what to do.. do I love you the way my mother loved me? Do I love you the way my father loved me? I don't know, I don't know anything. I just know...

I don't despise you anymore.


I was in my room. "Shouldn't you go see your highness?" I asked "huh, oh yes! I should, I have to give him his medicine!" Amina left the room.

I sighed.

She's so cute worrying for him. I'm sure he's going to be all sweet cause of her.

But as always, it's my fault.

He didn't get sleep looking for me and coming back. He must've been exhausted.. I feel so bad.

Well no one told him to go looking for me! And no one told him to not sleep! William even offered to switch with him!

Four days went on

Raphael still hasn't woken up. Ever since I've returned, I've still have gotten faces from people, feels like before. Nothing has changed.

There was a knock on my door, I opened it, it was the emperor.

"Your majesty!" I stepped away "it's finally good to see you, Helena" he smiled, I welcomed him into my room. "I just came from Raphael's resting room."

He doesn't know we sleep in separate rooms. So he thinks they're just keeping him in there for now.

"How is he?" I asked "he's doing fine. Doctors say he'll most likely wake up tomorrow. How are you, Helena?" He asked "I'm fine" I tried to avoid eye contact.

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