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Chapter Twenty Five

I had my hands tied up in my back and they shoved me into the dirt. The audience threw fruits and shit at my face, I looked up at Raphael with a smile.

Raphael looked at me with a despised look. "My lover, is in bed, on the verge of dying cause of your actions, Helena De Lavigne!" He yelled.

I laughed with a crazy, "why did you poison Amina De Garnier!?" I laughed at his face, it ticked him. "You're mine, all mine!!" I had tears in my eyes.

"As the new emperor of Rarukya, I sentence you to death!" He raised his sword, tears fell from my face and I mumbled something before my head fell off.

I woke up.

I was breathing heavily, Amina noticed and ran to me. "Are you alright, my lady?"

The way Helena died... what did she mumble.. there wasn't a mumble in the story..? Shit, I'm really going to die if I don't complete my mission...

I looked at Amina, "just a nightmare. But I'm fine now" I smiled.

After William's visit, he said he can't help me a lot since it's out of his league. But since I'm married to Raphael, there are some document that I'm accessed foo in the empire.

Olivia came in without knocking, there was a butter face on Amina's face. "This is for you, my lady" it was a letter, she handed it to me, I opened it without looking at the name. My eyes wildness.

It's from my family... they're all coming.

"Write back to them, and let them know it's too busy here. I'm too busy for guests" I told Olivia "sadly, they're almost here" I grabbed my sheets tightly.

I looked at Amina, "where's my husband?" "He'll soon be coming, my lady."

I rather be with my future murderer than an abusive family, honestly.

I got dressed and I waited for Raphael to come and he did. "Your family is coming?" I nodded.

Don't be nervous, don't have a horrible breakdown in front of him like before..

"Do you know why they're coming? We've been awfully busy" I nodded no. The doors or owner, and my family walked in, their faces..

"Your highnesses," they all curtsied to us "mother, father" I cracked a smile to them "it's finally good to see my son-in-law" the Duke smiled at Raphael. "It's nice to see you as well, father."

Raphael hates the whole Lavigne family, he's really good at acting.

Christina was already demanding things to the maids. Louis and George stayed by my side while Leonardo and Raphael chatted. I sat next to Raphael though.

"Ah yes, Helena" the Duke looked at me "y-yes?" "I've been told, you're interested in magic?" Raphael looked at me confused. "W-where'd you get that?" I stuttered. "You've been looking into the magic books."


"Ah yes, just seemed interesting" "you sure it's nothing else?"

What is he even implying??

"What're you implying?" I asked "well, we all know how you acted. And as the Duke, I don't want the empire in trouble" he chuckled. "You're pretty much childish, and you're a lady. So in other words, don't be messing with things you don't know" George said straight forward.

"Like I said, it's just seemed interesting. I have no intentions" I smiled nervously. "Excuse me, I'f like you use the restroom" I got up and left the room, I let out a big sigh.

"You," I looked to my side Christina walked over to me and pulled my hair, "it's so simple. Get married to the dumb prince and get us information so we can take down the emperor". Christina whispered to me.

I pushed her away, "what have you done? Play games, read, and play as a stupid wife" I clenched my fists. Christina smirked, "can't even snitch on us.. who would believe you? You're lovely husband? Everyone hates you and thinks you're all evil."

Christina caressed my face, "my daughter..." her grip tightened, hurting me "it's too bad, you'll die eventually.. " I flinched.

They knew?? They knew their own daughter was going to get murdered!?

"Get us information, or you'll know what happens next" Christina walked off.

What? What will happen next!?

My family soon left the household. "Why are you into the magic books? Out of everything" I turned to look at him, "don't tell me you don't believe me as well" I glared at him, I walked closer to him.

"So what if I am into the magic books? Not like I wanna learn it to use it against this empire to get everyone to kneel for me!" I shouted at his face and walked off, Raphael was shocked.

The next day, I visited the empire.

I walked into a strange room, it was very quiet and empty. I found a file, with the name Windsor on it. I opened the file, the only man that was document was Sebastian Windsor. He was already deceased, I continued to read.

He was a wizard..? The emperor had him killed because he was mixing illegal magic.

... that's it?? There's nothing else about reincarnation!!

I opened my door and Raphael was standing there, he pulled me out of the room. "What're you doing?" "Looking at documents" I replied. "What're you doing?? First the books and now this?" I scoffed, Raphael felt offended.

"I'm just trying to find something!" "Windsor?" I flinched "William told me. I had to get it out off him" I rolled my eyes. "Why do you want to know about the Windsor family" I clenched my fists.

To get out of this world and to either go back to my family or move on with my life but not this..

"And don't lie to me, this is more than it being interesting to you" Raphael crossed his arms. "Let's just say I'm helping a friend" "what friend?" "Doesn't matter! They just need help snd Windsor connected to them in a way" Raphael didn't reply.

"Come on," he guided to me to a different room in the empire. "This room hold everything. Not even you're allowed in here" Raphael walked in and shut the door on my face.

After five minutes he came out with a file. "Here, the Windsor family" I smiled at Raphael "thanks, my friend is definitely going to appreciate tour little help" before I could walk off.

"You only have two days with that, return it back before. It's important documents" I nodded and walked off, Raphael scratched his head.

I hope she doesn't kill someone with those papers.

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