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As I patrol around the city at night I spot a familiar face and I feel captivated by my former teacher. "Mr. Aizawa?" I say in shock. He turns his head towards me and his eyes widen. "Erza?" Mr. Aizawa says in shock. I walk over and he looks at me. I look at the 30-year-old teacher and he watches me. "What are you doing this late?" Mr. Aizawa says in shock. "I'm on patrol duty but how are you?" I say calmly. "I'm doing fine and you?" Mr. Aizawa says quietly. "I'm doing great." I say calmly. He nods his head and I spot a villain breaking into a jewelry store. I see the villain start to run and sigh. I teleport-kick the villains and fall to the ground. "You shouldn't steal from the helpless it's rude." I say seriously. "Well, if it isn't Lady Ignite." He says in shock. He goes the run but Mr. Aizawa captures the villain with his capture weapon. I call the police and give a report of what happened. Once I'm done making the phone call I look at the villain being restrained by Mr. Aizawa's Binding Cloth and he sighs. "Hold still." Mr. Aizawa says in an annoyed voice as he pulls tightly on the Binding cloth. I teleport and karate chop the back of the villain's neck. As the police arrive we put the quirk-canceling handcuffs on the villain and the police make us return the jewelry to the jeweler. We walk to Kae's Jewelry Shop and the owner notices up. I hand over the jewelry and the young middle-aged man thanks us. He offers us free customization of any jewelry we want and we decline but he looks at us like we'll be back. We walk away and Mr. Aizawa sighs. "Let's go get something with caffeine." I say calmly. He nods his head and I lead the way to Ritsu's cafe. Mr. Aizawa yawns and I can tell that his work routine must be exhausting. We reach the small cat cafe and Mr. Aizawa looks at all the cats. I get caffeinated hot chocolate along with sweet red bean buns and Mr. Aizawa gets coffee along with cucumber egg salad sandwiches.

While we sit in a room waiting for our orders a bunch of cats walk toward us and one cat seems to capture Mr. Aizawa's attention. "Do you come here often?" Mr. Aizawa says calmly. "Yeah, it's the only place that a hero like me can get peace and privacy here." I say calmly. "It seems nice here?" Mr. Aizawa says calmly. "It's the only way I can escape from the media." I say calmly. He nods his head and I look at him. "So how is UA?" I say calmly. "Well, I have a new class starting soon." Mr. Aizawa says quietly. "Hopefully this time you don't expell an entire class." I say calmly. "As long as they have the potential to be a good hero then there won't be a problem." Mr. Aizawa says quietly. "Well, in the last few classes you had, I was the only one to remain." I say calmly. "Well, you have more potential than any of them, and I pushed you hard enough to pass your limits so that you'll survive through anything." Mr. Aizawa says calmly. "That was 6 years ago and of course, I still work hard on building up some more endurance & strength." I say calmly. He nods his head and our food comes. I eat my sweet red bean buns and he notices some red bean paste on my cheeks. "You have some red bean paste on your cheeks." Mr. Aizawa says calmly. I try getting it and he looks at me with amusement. "Here let me." Mr. Aizawa says and he lifts my chin up before removing the red bean paste from my cheeks. I look at how close he is to me and his eyes shift to where they are looking into my lavender-purple eyes. I blush and if I'm being honest I have to admit that he has always been attractive to me. As I look into those dark eyes of his I feel my heart beating faster than usual and he looks at me. He takes a strand of my dark purple hair and pushes it behind my left ear. I feel my face heating up with a dash of pink blush and he leans toward my face. I gulp nervously and as he closes the gap my eyes widen in shock as I feel his lips on my lips.

I relax into the kiss and he pulls back. "Sorry, I don't know what has gotten into me." Mr. Aizawa says with embarrassment. "I-i-it's fine." I say quietly. I get a container for the rest of my food and pay for the meal. We go our separate ways and I decide to head home. I teleport to my flat and unlock the door. I head inside and lock the door behind me. I lean against the door and my heart hurts not physically but emotionally. "Idiot you know better than to fall for someone who only wants to use you for your body and your father's money." The voice in the back of my head says harshly. I walk to my kitchen and put the food away. I walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I look dully into the mirror and I hate myself for feeling so weak. I finish what I am doing and change into a tank top and shorts. I flop onto my bed and sigh. I close my eyes and just let sleep take me away from my troubles.

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